
Use the CallProcEx32W function in 16-bit code to call an entry-point function in a 32-bit DLL. CallProcEx32W is similar to CallProc32W, but it uses the C calling convention to allow a variable number of arguments.

DWORD FAR CallProcEx32W(
  DWORD nParams,          // number of parameters passed
  DWORD fAddressConvert,  // bit mask
  DWORD lpProcAddress,    // the DLL function to be called
  DWORD param1            // parameter for DLL function
  ...                     // up to 32 parameters for DLL function


Number of DWORD parameters to be passed to the DLL function (param1 through paramN). For functions that take no parameters, this parameter will be zero. You can also specify the calling convention by using the OR operator to combine this value with one of the following constants:
Value Meaning
CPEX_DEST_STDCALL The function uses the standard-call calling convention. This is the default.
CPEX_DEST_CDECL The function uses the C calling convention.

Bit mask representing which parameters will be treated as 16:16 pointers and translated into flat linear pointers before being passed to the 32-bit procedure. The lowest bit in the mask represents the first parameter specified (param1), the second lowest bit represents the second to the last parameter specified (param2), and so on, so that the highest bit in the mask represents paramN.
A value corresponding to the procedure to be called, which is returned by the GetProcAddress32W function.
param1 through param32
Parameters for the 32-bit procedure represented by lpProcAddress

Return Values

Returns the return value from the 32-bit entry-point function represented by lpProcAddress. The return value can also be zero under the following conditions:


CallProc32W and CallProcEx32W do not automatically fix global memory handles that are translated to 0:32 pointers. Therefore, you must call the GlobalFix or GlobalWire function on the handle first and GlobalUnfix and GlobalUnwire afterward.

Windows 95 and Windows 98: Global compaction can move memory blocks at any time while the current thread is executing 32-bit code. Because of this, not fixing segments before calling the target function works in Windows NT, but may cause race conditions in Windows 95 or Windows 98.

See Also

CallProc32W, GetProcAddress32W