
The GetCurrencyFormat function formats a number string as a currency string for a specified locale.

int GetCurrencyFormat(
  LCID Locale,                  // locale for which string is to be formatted
  DWORD dwFlags,                // bit flag that controls the function's operation
  LPCTSTR lpValue,              // pointer to input number string
  CONST CURRENCYFMT *lpFormat,  // pointer to a formatting information structure
  LPTSTR lpCurrencyStr,         // pointer to output buffer
  int cchCurrency               // size of output buffer


Specifies the locale for which the currency string is to be formatted. If lpFormat is NULL, the function formats the string according to the currency format for this locale. If lpFormat is not NULL, the function uses the locale only for formatting information not specified in the CURRENCYFMT structure (for example, the locale's string value for the negative sign).

This parameter can be a locale identifier created by the MAKELCID macro, or one of the following predefined values:
LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT Default system locale.
LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT Default user locale.
LOCALE_NEUTRAL Default language-neutral locale.

A bit flag that controls the operation of the function. If lpFormat is non-NULL, this parameter must be zero.

If lpFormat is NULL, you can specify the LOCALE_NOUSEROVERRIDE flag to format the string using the system default currency format for the specified locale; or you can specify zero to format the string using any user overrides to the locale's default currency format.

Points to a null-terminated string containing the number string to format.

This string can contain only the following characters:

All other characters are invalid. The function returns an error if the string pointed to by lpValue deviates from these rules.

Pointer to a CURRENCYFMT structure that contains currency formatting information. All members in the structure pointed to by lpFormat must contain appropriate values.

If lpFormat is NULL, the function uses the currency format of the specified locale.

Points to a buffer to receive the formatted currency string.
Specifies the size, in bytes (ANSI version) or characters (Unicode version), of the lpCurrencyStr buffer. If cchCurrency is zero, the function returns the number of bytes or characters required to hold the formatted currency string, and the buffer pointed to by lpCurrencyStr is not used.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is the number of bytes (ANSI version) or characters (Unicode version) written to the buffer pointed to by lpCurrencyStr, or if the cchCurrency parameter is zero, the number of bytes or characters required to hold the formatted currency string. The count includes the terminating null.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. GetLastError may return one of the following error codes:



Windows CE: The Locale parameter is ignored and the system locale is always used. The Locale parameter should be set to LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT to ensure compatibility with future versions of Windows CE.

No flags are supported for the dwFlags parameter.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.5 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Requires version 1.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in winnls.h.
  Import Library: Use kernel32.lib.
  Unicode: Implemented as Unicode and ANSI versions on Windows NT.

See Also

National Language Support Overview, National Language Support Functions, GetNumberFormat, CURRENCYFMT