
The GetTimeZoneInformation function retrieves the current time-zone parameters. These parameters control the translations between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time.

DWORD GetTimeZoneInformation(
  LPTIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZoneInformation   // address of 
                                                  // time-zone settings


Pointer to a TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure to receive the current time-zone parameters.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is one of the following values:

Value Meaning
TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN The system cannot determine the current time zone. This error is also returned if you call the SetTimeZoneInformation function and supply the bias values but no transition dates.

Windows NT: This value is returned if daylight savings time is not used in the current time zone, because there are no transition dates.

TIME_ZONE_ID_STANDARD The system is operating in the range covered by the StandardDate member of the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure.

Windows 95: This value is returned if daylight savings time is not used in the current time zone, because there are no transition dates.

TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT The system is operating in the range covered by the DaylightDate member of the TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure.

If the function fails, the return value is TIME_ZONE_ID_INVALID. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


All translations between UTC time and local time are based on the following formula:

UTC = local time + bias 

The bias is the difference, in minutes, between UTC time and local time.

Windows CE: The GetTimeZoneInformation function always returns TIME_ZONE_ID_UNKNOWN.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Requires version 1.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in winbase.h.
  Import Library: Use kernel32.lib.

See Also

Time Overview, Time Functions, SetTimeZoneInformation, TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION