Limitations of Some Existing Functions

The following functions have limitations on FAT32 media:

File Control Block Functions
The open and create functions will only work for creating a volume label on a FAT32 drive. However, FCB Find_First/Next, Delete, and Rename will work and will return the entire 32-byte directory entry on FAT32 media.
Handle-Based File Write Functions
Win32-based applications can extend a file to a size greater than 2GB minus 1byte without special handling. However, non-Win32 applications must open such files with Int 21h Function 6Ch (FAT32) specifying the EXTENDED_SIZE flag. If not, write functions will fail and ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED (0005h) will be returned.
Handle-Based File Open and Create Functions
Win32-based applications can open files larger than 2GB minus 1byte in size without special handling. Non-Win32-based applications must open such files with Int 21h Function 6Ch (FAT32) specifying the EXTENDED_SIZE flag. However, using an old style create to truncate a file will not fail.