
Important The SetService function is obsolete. For the convenience of Windows Sockets 1.1 developers, the reference material is below.

The functions detailed in Protocol-Independent Name Resolution provide equivalent functionality in Windows Sockets 2.

The SetService function registers or deregisters a network service within one or more name spaces. The function can also add or remove a network service type within one or more name spaces.

INT SetService(
  DWORD dwNameSpace,  // specifies name space(s) to operate within
  DWORD dwOperation,  // specifies operation to perform
  DWORD dwFlags,      // set of bit flags that modify function 
                      // operation
  LPSERVICE_INFO lpServiceInfo,
                      // points to structure containing service 
                      // information
  LPSERVICE_ASYNC_INFO lpServiceAsyncInfo,
                      // reserved for future use, must be NULL
  LPDWORD lpdwStatusFlags 
                      // points to set of status bit flags


The name space, or a set of default name spaces, within which the function will operate.

Use one of the following constants to specify a name space:
Value Name Space
NS_DEFAULT A set of default name spaces. The function queries each name space within this set. The set of default name spaces typically includes all the name spaces installed on the system. System administrators, however, can exclude particular name spaces from the set. NS_DEFAULT is the value that most applications should use for dwNameSpace.
NS_DNS The Domain Name System used in the Internet to resolve the name of the host.
NS_NDS The NetWare 4 provider.
NS_NETBT The NetBIOS over TCP/IP layer. All Windows NT and Windows 95 systems register their computer names with NetBIOS. This name space is used to convert a computer name to an IP address that uses this registration.
NS_SAP The NetWare Service Advertising Protocol. This can access the Netware bindery, if appropriate. NS_SAP is a dynamic name space that enables the registration of services.
NS_TCPIP_HOSTS Lookup value in the <systemroot>\system32\drivers\etc\posts file.
NS_TCPIP_LOCAL Local TCP/IP name resolution mechanisms, including comparisons against the local host name and lookup value in the cache of host to IP address mappings.

Specifies the operation that the function will perform. Use one of the following values to specify an operation:
Value Meaning
SERVICE_REGISTER Register the network service with the name space. This operation can be used with the SERVICE_FLAG_DEFER and SERVICE_FLAG_HARD bit flags.
SERVICE_DEREGISTER Deregister the network service from the name space. This operation can be used with the SERVICE_FLAG_DEFER and SERVICE_FLAG_HARD bit flags.
SERVICE_FLUSH Perform any operation that was called with the SERVICE_FLAG_DEFER bit flag set to one.
SERVICE_ADD_TYPE Add a service type to the name space.

For this operation, use the ServiceSpecificInfo member of the SERVICE_INFO structure pointed to by lpServiceInfo to pass a SERVICE_TYPE_INFO_ABS structure. You must also set the ServiceType member of the SERVICE_INFO structure. Other SERVICE_INFO members are ignored.

SERVICE_DELETE_TYPE Remove a service type, added by a previous call specifying the SERVICE_ADD_TYPE operation, from the name space.

A set of bit flags that modify the function's operation. You can set one or more of the following bit flags:
Value Name Space
SERVICE_FLAG_DEFER This bit flag is valid only if the operation is SERVICE_REGISTER or SERVICE_DEREGISTER.

If this bit flag is one, and it is valid, the name-space provider should defer the registration or deregistration operation until a SERVICE_FLUSH operation is requested.

SERVICE_FLAG_HARD This bit flag is valid only if the operation is SERVICE_REGISTER or SERVICE_DEREGISTER.

If this bit flag is one, and it is valid, the name-space provider updates any relevant persistent store information when the operation is performed.

For example: If the operation involves deregistration in a name space that uses a persistent store, the name-space provider would remove the relevant persistent store information.

Points to a SERVICE_INFO structure that contains information about the network service or service type.
This parameter is reserved for future use. It must be set to NULL.
A set of bit flags that receive function status information. The following bit flag is defined:
Value Meaning
SET_SERVICE_PARTIAL_SUCCESS One or more name-space providers were unable to successfully perform the requested operation.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is not SOCKET_ERROR.

If the function fails, the return value is SOCKET_ERROR. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. GetLastError can return the following extended error value:

Value Meaning
ERROR_ALREADY_REGISTERED The function tried to register a service that was already registered.


  Windows NT: Yes
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in nspapi.h.
  Import Library: Link with wsock32.lib.

See Also