AF_DECnet Address Families

The AF_DECnet Address families include:

DECnet Phase IV node addresses

DECnet Phase IV node addresses are hierarchical, indicating the a routing area and the node

number within that area. The binary format of the address is a 16-bit unsigned integer. The high-order 6 bits indicate the area, the low-order 10 bits are the node number within the area.

The ASCII format of the address is area.number with area in the range 1-63, and number in the range 1-1023.

For example: A DECnet node address in area 5, number 7 is represented as follows:

ASCII format "5.7"
Binary value 000101 0000000111.
Hexadecimal value 0x1407

DECnet extended addressing

DECnet extended addressing allows the DECnet NSP transport to be run over the OSI routing layer. Sockets opened via AF_DECnet will assume that addresses of length 3-20 bytes are OSI-style addresses.

DECnet objects

DECnet client tasks specify the server task they want to communicate with by using network object number and task names. The DECnet object number is an 8-bit unsigned value. Object numbers in the range 1-127 are reserved as generic objects for Digital use. Numbers 1-128 are available for user-written generic objects.

If the object number is 0, then the network connect is done to a specific server task name. Task names are 1-16 byte ASCII strings.

For example:

#17 FAL Generic DECnet file access listener
#19 NML Generic DECnet network management listener
#0 DEBUG_TASK User-specified debug server task