Font Dialog Initialization Flags

Before calling ChooseFont, the Flags member of the CHOOSEFONT structure must specify CF_SCREENFONTS, CF_PRINTERFONTS, or CF_BOTH, to indicate whether the dialog box should list screen fonts, printer fonts, or both. If you specify CF_PRINTERFONTS or CF_BOTH, the hDC member of the CHOOSEFONT structure must specify a handle to a device context for the printer.

You can use the Flags member to enable or disable some of the dialog box controls, and you can use the Flags member in conjunction with other CHOOSEFONT members to control the initial values of some controls.

    To display the controls that allow the user to select strikeout, underline, and color options
    To specify the initial values of the Font, Font Style, Size, Strikeout, and Underline dialog box controls
    To initialize the Font Style control to a specified style name
    To display the Apply button
    To display the Help button
    To restrict the fonts the dialog box displays
    To restrict the typeface names, styles, and point sizes that the user can specify
    To restrict or disable the Scripts combo box