Default Window-Message Processing

The window procedure for the predefined list box window class carries out default processing for all messages that the list box does not process. When the list box procedure returns FALSE for a message, the predefined window procedure checks the message and performs default actions, as shown in the following table.

Message Default action
WM_CHAR Moves the selection to the first item that begins with the character the user typed. If the list box has the LBS_OWNERDRAW style, no action occurs.

Multiple characters typed within a short interval are treated as a group, and the first item that begins with that series of characters is selected.

WM_CREATE Creates an empty list box.
WM_DESTROY Destroys the list box and frees any resources it uses.
WM_DROPFILES Passes the message to the dialog box procedure or parent window process.
WM_ENABLE If the control is visible, invalidates the rectangle so the strings can be painted gray.
WM_ERASEBKGND Erases the background of a list box. If the list box has the LBS_OWNERDRAW style, the background is not erased.
WM_GETDLGCODE Returns DLGC_WANTARROWS | DLGC_WANTCHARS, indicating the default list box procedure processes the arrow keys and WM_CHAR messages.
WM_GETFONT Returns a handle to the current font for the list box.
WM_HSCROLL Scrolls the list box horizontally.
WM_KEYDOWN Processes virtual keys for scrolling. The virtual key is the index of the item to move the caret to. The selection is not changed.
WM_KILLFOCUS Turns the caret off and destroys it. Sends an LBN_KILLFOCUS notification message to the owner of the list box.
WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK Tracks the mouse in the list box client area. This enables the user to cancel a selection if the mouse button is released outside the list box client area.
WM_LBUTTONDOWN Tracks the mouse in the list box client area. This enables the user to cancel a selection if the mouse button is released outside the list box client area.
WM_LBUTTONUP Tracks the mouse in the list box client area. This enables the user to cancel a selection if the mouse button is released outside the list box client area.
WM_MOUSEMOVE Tracks the mouse in the list box client area. This enables the user to cancel a selection if the mouse button is released outside the list box client area.
WM_PAINT Performs a subclassed paint operation by using the list box handle to the device context (DC).
WM_SETFOCUS Turns the caret on and sends an LBN_SETFOCUS notification message to the owner of the list box.
WM_SETFONT Sets a new font for the list box.
WM_SETREDRAW Sets or clears the redraw flag based on the value of wParam.
WM_SIZE Resizes the list box to an integral number of items.
WM_VSCROLL Scrolls the list box vertically.

The predefined list box procedure passes all other messages to DefWindowProc for default processing.