
The DispatchMessage function dispatches a message to a window procedure. It is typically used to dispatch a message retrieved by the GetMessage function.

LONG DispatchMessage(
  CONST MSG *lpmsg   // pointer to structure with message


Pointer to an MSG structure that contains the message.

Return Values

The return value specifies the value returned by the window procedure. Although its meaning depends on the message being dispatched, the return value generally is ignored.


The MSG structure must contain valid message values. If the lpmsg parameter points to a WM_TIMER message and the lParam parameter of the WM_TIMER message is not NULL, lParam points to a function that is called instead of the window procedure.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Requires version 1.0 or later.
  Header: Declared in winuser.h.
  Import Library: Use user32.lib.
  Unicode: Implemented as Unicode and ANSI versions on Windows NT.

See Also

Messages and Message Queues Overview, Message and Message Queue Functions, GetMessage, MSG, PeekMessage, TranslateMessage, WM_TIMER