Example of Owner-Drawn Menu Items

The example in this topic uses owner-drawn menu items in a menu. The menu items select specific font attributes, and the application displays each menu item using a font that has the corresponding attribute. For example, the Italic menu item is displayed in an italic font. The Character menu name on the menu bar opens the menu.

The menu bar and drop-down menu are defined initially by an extended menu-template resource. Because a menu template cannot specify owner-drawn items, the menu initially contains four text menu items with the following strings: "Regular," "Bold," "Italic," and "Underline." The application's window procedure changes these to owner-drawn items when it processes the WM_CREATE message. When it receives the WM_CREATE message, the window procedure calls the application-defined OnCreate function, which performs the following steps for each menu item:

  1. Allocates an application-defined MYITEM structure.
  2. Gets the text of the menu item and saves it in the application-defined MYITEM structure.
  3. Creates the font used to display the menu item and saves its handle in the application-defined MYITEM structure.
  4. Changes the menu item type to MFT_OWNERDRAW and saves a pointer to the application-defined MYITEM structure as item data.

Because a pointer to each application-defined MYITEM structure is saved as item data, it is passed to the window procedure in conjunction with the WM_MEASUREITEM and WM_DRAWITEM messages for the corresponding menu item. The pointer is contained in the itemData member of both the MEASUREITEMSTRUCT and DRAWITEMSTRUCT structures.

A WM_MEASUREITEM message is sent for each owner-drawn menu item the first time it is displayed. The application processes this message by selecting the font for the menu item into a device context and then determining the space required to display the menu item text in that font. The font and menu item text are both specified by the menu item's MYITEM structure (the structure defined by the application). The application determines the size of the text by using the GetTextExtentPoint32 function.

The window procedure processes the WM_DRAWITEM message by displaying the menu item text in the appropriate font. The font and menu item text are both specified by the menu item's MYITEM structure. The application selects text and background colors appropriate to the menu item's state.

The window procedure processes the WM_DESTROY message to destroy fonts and free memory. The application deletes the font and frees the application-defined MYITEM structure for each menu item.

Following are the relevant portions of the application's header file.

// Menu-item identifiers for the Character menu 
#define IDM_CHARACTER 10 
#define IDM_REGULAR   11 
#define IDM_BOLD      12 
#define IDM_ITALIC    13 
#define IDM_UNDERLINE 14 
// Structure associated with menu items 
typedef struct tagMYITEM 
    HFONT hfont; 
    int   cchItemText; 
    char  szItemText[1]; 
#define CCH_MAXITEMTEXT 256 

Following are the relevant portions of the application's window procedure and its associated functions.

        HWND hwnd, 
        UINT uMsg, 
        WPARAM wParam, 
        LPARAM lParam 
    switch (uMsg) 
        case WM_CREATE: 
            if (!OnCreate(hwnd)) 
                return -1; 
        case WM_DESTROY: 
        case WM_MEASUREITEM: 
            OnMeasureItem(hwnd, (LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT) lParam); 
            return TRUE; 
        case WM_DRAWITEM: 
            OnDrawItem(hwnd, (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT) lParam); 
            return TRUE; 
        // Additional message processing goes here. 
            return DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); 
    return 0; 
BOOL WINAPI OnCreate(HWND hwnd) 
    HMENU hmenuBar = GetMenu(hwnd); 
    HMENU hmenuPopup; 
    UINT uID; 
    MYITEM *pMyItem; 
    // Get the handle to the pop-up menu. 
    mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU;     // information to get 
    GetMenuItemInfo(hmenuBar, IDM_CHARACTER, FALSE, &mii); 
    hmenuPopup = mii.hSubMenu; 
    // Modify each menu item. Assume that the IDs IDM_REGULAR 
    // through IDM_UNDERLINE are consecutive numbers. 
    for (uID = IDM_REGULAR; uID <= IDM_UNDERLINE; uID++) 
         // Allocate an item structure, leaving space for a 
         // string of up to CCH_MAXITEMTEXT characters. 
        pMyItem = (MYITEM *) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, 
                sizeof(MYITEM) + CCH_MAXITEMTEXT); 
        // Save the item text in the item structure. 
        mii.fMask = MIIM_TYPE; 
        mii.dwTypeData = pMyItem->szItemText; 
        mii.cch = CCH_MAXITEMTEXT; 
        GetMenuItemInfo(hmenuPopup, uID, FALSE, &mii); 
        pMyItem->cchItemText = mii.cch; 
        // Reallocate the structure to the minimum required size. 
        pMyItem = (MYITEM *) LocalReAlloc(pMyItem, 
                sizeof(MYITEM) + mii.cch, LMEM_MOVEABLE); 
        // Create the font used to draw the item. 
        pMyItem->hfont = CreateMenuItemFont(uID); 
        // Change the item to an owner-drawn item, and save 
        // the address of the item structure as item data. 
        mii.fMask = MIIM_TYPE | MIIM_DATA; 
        mii.fType = MFT_OWNERDRAW; 
        mii.dwItemData = (DWORD) pMyItem; 
        SetMenuItemInfo(hmenuPopup, uID, FALSE, &mii); 
    return TRUE; 
HFONT CreateMenuItemFont(UINT uID) 
    LOGFONT lf; 
    ZeroMemory(&lf, sizeof(lf)); 
    lf.lfHeight = 20; 
    lstrcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Times New Roman"); 
    switch (uID) 
        case IDM_BOLD: 
            lf.lfWeight = FW_HEAVY; 
        case IDM_ITALIC: 
            lf.lfItalic = TRUE; 
        case IDM_UNDERLINE: 
            lf.lfUnderline = TRUE; 
    return CreateFontIndirect(&lf); 
VOID WINAPI OnDestroy(HWND hwnd) 
    HMENU hmenuBar = GetMenu(hwnd); 
    HMENU hmenuPopup; 
    UINT uID; 
    MYITEM *pMyItem; 
    // Get the handle to the menu. 
    mii.fMask = MIIM_SUBMENU;     // information to get  
    GetMenuItemInfo(hmenuBar, IDM_CHARACTER, FALSE, &mii); 
    hmenuPopup = mii.hSubMenu; 
    // Free resources associated with each menu item. 
    for (uID = IDM_REGULAR; uID <= IDM_UNDERLINE; uID++) 
        // Get the item data. 
        mii.fMask = MIIM_DATA; 
        GetMenuItemInfo(hmenuPopup, uID, FALSE, &mii); 
        pMyItem = (MYITEM *) mii.dwItemData; 
        // Destroy the font and free the item structure. 
    MYITEM *pMyItem = (MYITEM *) lpmis->itemData; 
    HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); 
    HFONT hfntOld = SelectObject(hdc, pMyItem->hfont); 
    SIZE size; 
    GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, pMyItem->szItemText, 
            pMyItem->cchItemText, &size); 
    lpmis->itemWidth = size.cx; 
    lpmis->itemHeight = size.cy; 
    SelectObject(hdc, hfntOld); 
    ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); 
    MYITEM *pMyItem = (MYITEM *) lpdis->itemData; 
    COLORREF clrPrevText, clrPrevBkgnd; 
    HFONT hfntPrev; 
    int x, y; 
    // Set the appropriate foreground and background colors. 
    if (lpdis->itemState & ODS_SELECTED) 
        clrPrevText = SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, 
        clrPrevBkgnd = SetBkColor(lpdis->hDC, 
        clrPrevText = SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, 
        clrPrevBkgnd = SetBkColor(lpdis->hDC, 
    // Determine where to draw and leave space for a check-mark. 
    x = lpdis->rcItem.left; 
    y = lpdis->rcItem.top; 
    x += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK); 
    // Select the font and draw the text. 
    hfntPrev = SelectObject(lpdis->hDC, pMyItem->hfont); 
    ExtTextOut(lpdis->hDC, x, y, ETO_OPAQUE, 
            &lpdis->rcItem, pMyItem->szItemText, 
            pMyItem->cchItemText, NULL); 
    // Restore the original font and colors. 
    SelectObject(lpdis->hDC, hfntPrev); 
    SetTextColor(lpdis->hDC, clrPrevText); 
    SetBkColor(lpdis->hDC, clrPrevBkgnd); 