Adding a Window Property

The following example loads an icon and then a cursor and allocates memory for a buffer. The example then uses the SetProp function to assign the resulting icon, cursor, and memory handles as window properties for the window identified by the application-defined hwndSubclass variable. The properties are identified by the strings PROP_ICON, PROP_CURSOR, and PROP_BUFFER.

#define BUFFER 4096 
HINSTANCE hinst;       // handle of current instance 
HWND hwndSubclass;     // handle of a subclassed window 
HANDLE hIcon, hCursor; 
char *lpMem; 
TCHAR tchPath[] = "c:\\winnt\\samples\\winprop.c"; 
// Load resources. 
hIcon = LoadIcon(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(400)); 
hCursor = LoadCursor(hinst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(220)); 
// Allocate and fill a memory buffer. 
hMem = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, BUFFER); 
lpMem = GlobalLock(hMem); 
lstrcpy(lpMem, tchPath); 
// Set the window properties for hwndSubclass. 
SetProp(hwndSubclass, "PROP_ICON", hIcon); 
SetProp(hwndSubclass, "PROP_CURSOR", hCursor); 
SetProp(hwndSubclass, "PROP_BUFFER", hMem);