Description This command returns detailed information about the keys in the encryption module.

Input Param LPSTR lpsKeyName;

Name of the key for which detailed information is requested.
If NULL, detailed information about all the keys in the encryption module is returned.

Output Param LPWFSPINKEYDETAIL * lppKeyDetail;

Pointer to a null-terminated array of pointers to key detail structures.

typedef struct _wfs_pin_key_detail
LPSTR lpsKeyName;
WORD fwUse;
BOOL bLoaded;

Specifies the name of the key.

Specifies the type of access for which the key is used as a combination of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_PIN_USECRYPT key can be used for encryption/decryption

WFS_PIN_USEFUNCTION key can be used for PIN functions

WFS_PIN_USEMACING key can be used for MACing

WFS_PIN_USEKEYENCKEY key is used as key encryption key

WFS_PIN_USESVENCKEY key is used as CBC Start Value encryption key

WFS_PIN_USENODUPLICATE key can be imported only once

Specifies whether the key has been loaded (imported from Application or locally from Operator) and is either TRUE or FALSE.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_PIN_KEYNOTFOUND The specified key name is not found.

Comments None.