Description This command is used to set the status of a Guidance Light.


typedef struct _wfs_siu_set_guidlight
WORD wGuidLight;
WORD fwCommand;

Specifies the index of the Guidance Light to set as one of the following values:

Value Meaning

WFS_SIU_CARDUNIT Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the Card Unit (IDC).

WFS_SIU_PINPAD Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the PIN pad unit.

WFS_SIU_NOTESDISPENSER Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the note dispenser unit.

WFS_SIU_COINDISPENSER Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the coin dispenser unit.

WFS_SIU_RECEIPTPRINTER Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the receipt printer unit.

WFS_SIU_PASSBOOKPRINTER Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the passbook printer unit.

WFS_SIU_ENVDEPOSITORY Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the envelope depository unit.

WFS_SIU_CHEQUEUNIT Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the cheque processing unit.

WFS_SIU_BILLACCEPTOR Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the bill acceptor unit.

WFS_SIU_ENVDISPENSER Set the state of the Guidance Light Indicator on the envelope dispenser unit.

Specifies the state of the Guidance Light indicators, as one of the following flags:

Value Meaning

WFS_SIU_OFF The Light Indicator is turned off.

WFS_SIU_SLOW_FLASH The Light Indicator is set to flash slowly.

WFS_SIU_MEDIUM_FLASH The light is blinking medium frequency.

WFS_SIU_QUICK_FLASH The Light Indicator is set to flash quickly.

WFS_SIU_CONTINUOUS The Light Indicator is turned on continuously (steady).

See WFS_CMD_SIU_SET_PORTS command for a detailed description.

Output Param None.

Error Codes The following additional error codes can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_ERR_SIU_INVALID_PORT An attempt to set a port to a new value was invalid because the port does not exist or the port is pre-configured as an input port.

WFS_ERR_SIU_SYNTAX The command was invoked with incorrect input data.

Events The following additional events can be generated by this command:

Value Meaning

WFS_EXEE_SIU_PORT_ERROR An error occurred while attempting to set or clear one or more output ports (indicators).

Comments None.