ColSel, RowSel Properties


These properties are not available at design time.


object.ColSel [= value]
object.RowSel [= value]

Syntax for the ColSel and RowSel properties has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
value A Long value that specifies the start or end row, or column, for a range of cells.


You can use these properties to select a specific region of the MSHFlexGrid programmatically, or to read the dimensions of an area that the user selects into code.

The MSHFlexGrid cursor is in the cell at Row, Col. The MSHFlexGrid selection is the region between rows Row and RowSel and columns Col and ColSel. Note that RowSel may be above or below Row, and ColSel may be to the left or to the right of Col.

Whenever you set the Row and Col properties, RowSel and ColSel are automatically reset, so the cursor becomes the current selection. To select a block of cells from code, you must first set the Row and Col properties, and then set RowSel and ColSel.