The following example places the word "Here" into the current cell, changes the active cell to the third cell in the third row, then places "There" into that cell. To run the program, press F5, then click your MSHFlexGrid.
Note If you are using the MSFlexGrid, substitute "MSHFlexGrid1" with "MSFlexGrid1."
Private Sub Form_Load ()
MSHFlexGrid1.Rows = 8
MSHFlexGrid1.Cols = 5
End Sub
Private Sub MsFlexGrid1_Click ()
' Put text in current cell.
MSHFlexGrid1.Text = "Here"
' Put text in third row, third column.
MSHFlexGrid1.Col = 2
MSHFlexGrid1.Row = 2
MSHFlexGrid1.Text = "There"
End Sub