ColData, RowData, Picture Properties Example

The following code shows how you can trap out-of-memory errors and automatically switch to monochrome mode using the PictureType property. In addition, it shows how to create a picture within the MSHFlexGrid that includes only the current selection.

Note   If you are using the MSFlexGrid, substitute "MSHFlexGrid1" with "MSFlexGrid1."

Sub CopySelectedPictureToClipboard (myFlex As _
   Dim i As Integer, tr As Long, lc As Long, _
   hl As Integer
   ' Get ready to operate.
   MyFlex.Redraw =False   ' To eliminate flicker.
   hl =MyFlex.HighLight   ' Save current settings.
   tr =MyFlex.TopRow
   lc =MyFlex.LeftCol
   MyFlex.HighLight =0   ' No highlight on picture.
   ' Hide nonselected rows and columns.
   ' (Save original sizes in RowData/ColData 
   ' properties.)
   For i =MyFlex.FixedRows To MyFlex.Rows - 1
      If i < MyFlex.Row Or i > MyFlex.RowSel Then
         MyFlex.RowData(i) =MyFlex.RowHeight(i)
         MyFlex.RowHeight(i) =0
      End If
   For i =MyFlex.FixedCols To MyFlex.Cols - 1
      If i < MyFlex.Col Or i > MyFlex.ColSel Then
         MyFlex.ColData(i) =MyFlex.ColWidth(i)
         MyFlex.ColWidth(i) =0
      End If
   ' Scroll to top left corner.
   MyFlex.TopRow =MyFlex.FixedRows
   MyFlex.LeftCol =MyFlex.FixedCols
   ' Copy picture.
   On Error Resume Next
   MyFlex.PictureType =0 ' Color.
   clipboard.SetData MyFlex.Picture
   If Error <> 0 Then
      MyFlex.PictureType =1 ' Monochrome.
      clipboard.SetData MyFlex.Picture
   ' Restore control.
   For i =MyFlex.FixedRows To MyFlex.Rows - 1
      If i < MyFlex.Row Or i > MyFlex.RowSel Then
         MyFlex.RowHeight(i) =MyFlex.RowData(i)
      End If
   For i =MyFlex.FixedCols To MyFlex.Cols - 1
      If i < MyFlex.Col Or i > MyFlex.ColSel Then
         MyFlex.ColWidth(i) =MyFlex.ColData(i)
      End If
   MyFlex.TopRow =tr
   MyFlex.LeftCol =lc
   MyFlex.HighLight =hl
   MyFlex.Redraw =True
End Sub

The following example shows how to set the MSHFlexGrid's Picture property to a PictureBox control:

Note   If you are using the MSFlexGrid, substitute "MSHFlexGrid1" with "MSFlexGrid1."

Private Sub Form_Click ()
   Set Picture1.Picture =MSHFlexGrid1.Picture
End Sub