Select data and criteria by using shortcut keys

Select values within a column

Press To
F2 Select the current value, or cancel selection and display the insertion point
(from a selected cell)
Select the value in the next column
SHIFT+HOME Make a selection in a value from the insertion point to the beginning of the line
SHIFT+END Make a selection in a value from the insertion point to the end of the line
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Extend selection or cancel selection of one character to the right
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Extend selection or cancel selection of one word to the right
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Extend selection or cancel selection of one character to the left
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Extend selection or cancel selection of one word to the left

Select a row

Press To
SHIFT+SPACEBAR Select the current row
DOWN ARROW Select the next row, if the current row is selected
UP ARROW Select the previous row, if the current row is selected
SHIFT+DOWN ARROW Extend or cancel selection down one row
SHIFT+UP ARROW Extend or cancel selection up one row
SHIFT+PAGE DOWN Extend selection down one screen
SHIFT+PAGE UP Extend selection up one screen
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACEBAR Select the entire result set

Select a column

Press To
CTRL+SPACEBAR Select the current column
RIGHT ARROW Select the column to the right, if the current column is selected
LEFT ARROW Select the column to the left, if the current column is selected
SHIFT+LEFT ARROW Extend or cancel selection left one column
SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW Extend or cancel selection right one column
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE DOWN Extend selection right one screen
CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE UP Extend selection left one screen