Rotate pages

Being able to rotate pages is often required when a document contains both portrait and landscape pages, and the text onscreen appears in both vertical and horizontal orientations. For example, a PDF document may contain several pages of text, followed by a table or chart that is oriented such that the text is running up the screen instead of appearing horizontally. With Nitro Pro 7, you can rotate any page in 90° increments.

There are two ways in which pages can be rotated:

To temporarily rotate a PDF document while viewing it:

  1. On the Home tab, in the View group, click Rotate View


Note: This view rotation is not saved when you close the document

To permanently rotate pages in a PDF:

  1. On the Edit tab, in the Pages group, click Rotate
  2. In the Rotate list, click the rotation level
  3. Specify the pages to rotate, then click Rotate