Differences between the OpenDocument Presentation (.odp) format and the PowerPoint (.pptx) format

When you save a file from Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 in the OpenDocument Presentation (.odp) format, and then open it again in PowerPoint 2010, you might notice some formatting differences between the PowerPoint 2010 version and the OpenDocument version. Likewise, you might also see formatting differences when you open an OpenDocument file in PowerPoint 2010. This is because of the different features that the file formats support.

 Note   The differences you will experience when you work with the two file formats is generally constrained to formatting differences and feature availability. Data and content will convert, but how you format and interact with the data and content might be different between the formats.

If you want to switch your default file format to or from ODF or OpenXML (or other formats) , do the following:

  1. Click the File tab.
  2. Under Help, click Options.
  3. Click Save, and then under Save presentations, in the Save files in this format list, click the file format that you want to use by default.

What happens when I save a PowerPoint 2010 presentation in the OpenDocument Presentation format?

The table below shows which PowerPoint 2010 features are fully, partially, or not supported in the OpenDocument Presentation (.odp) format.

For information about graphic features Microsoft Office 2010 that are fully, partially, or not supported in the OpenDocument Format, see the Graphic Elements table at the end of this article.

AreaSubareaLevel of supportComments
AnimationsEntrance/Exit animationsPartially supportedAny entrance or exit animations that cannot be supported by ODF are changed to an appear or disappear animation.
AnimationsColor animationsNot SupportedAnimations that involve color change are not supported.
AnimationsScaling animationsNot SupportedBlast, Flash bulb, Grow & Shrink, Vertical Height animations are not supported.
AnimationsAnimation delaysFully Supported
AnimationsAnimation timingFully Supported
AnimationsText animationsFully supported
AnimationsTriggered animationsFully supported
AnimationsAnimation soundsNot Supported
AnimationsMedia animationsFully Supported
AnimationsSmartArtNot Supported
AnimationsChart PartsPartially SupportedAnimations on chart parts are converted to an animation on the whole chart.
AnimationsOLE action animationsNot Supported
AnimationsMaster/Layout animationsNot Supported
TransitionsTransitionsPartially supportedAny transitions that can be found in the SMIL specification or in the Open Document Format specification are supported, with the following exceptions: the Blinds, Cut, Strips, Comb, and Newsflash transitions are not supported.
TransitionsTransition SoundsNot Supported
ContentMedia (movies/sounds)Fully Supported
ContentEmbedding WAV filesFully supported
ContentOLEFully Supported
ContentActiveX ControlsNot Supported
ContentTablesPartially SupportedWhen you save a presentation with tables in it to the .odp format, the tables become images and cannot be edited.
ContentHeaders/FootersPartially SupportedWhen you save a file with headers or footers in it in the .odp format, the headers and footers become text boxes.
ContentDate fieldsPartially SupportedAll date types are included, but they might be converted to a default type by other ODF applications.
ContentHide ShapeFully supported
ContentHide SlideFully supported
Macros/ProgrammabilityMacros/OM/ProgrammabilityNot Supported
Presentation settingsPage sizePartially SupportedAlthough the page size is saved with the presentation, the Page Size settings in the Page Setup dialog box is inaccurate. The dialog box tries to default to the default page size.
Presentation settingsCustom ShowsFully Supported
Presentation settingsNarrations/TimingsFully Supported
Presentation settingsShow SettingsPartially Supported
Presentation settingsPrint SettingsNot Supported
Presentation settingsView SettingsNot Supported
CollaborationCommentsNot Supported
ChartsChartsPartially supportedSee Differences between the OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format and the Excel (.xlsx) format for more infomation about supported Chart features.
Presentation DesignMastersPartially SupportedWhen you save a presentation in .odp format, all theme information is lost and placed onto the masters/layouts. Inheritance of theme defaults, such as fonts, colors, and effects on new shapes are no longer inherited.

When you open the presentation after saving the presentation in .odp format, the default theme is used, but should not cause any changes in the presentation. However, it does cause all future edits to be done as if that default theme was applied.
Presentation DesignLayoutsPartially SupportedLayouts are treated similar to masters when opened in other ODF applications.
Presentation DesignPlaceholdersPartially supportedTheme information is lost from placeholders.
Presentation DesignNotesFully supported
Presentation DesignNotes MastersFully Supported
Presentation DesignHandout MastersFully supported
EncryptionEncryptionNot Supported
ProtectionProtectionNot Supported
TextInternational text formattingPartially supported Unsupported features include:


Vertical Text rotation (270, stacked)

East Asian linebreaking


Some international numbering systems are mapped to bullets or Western numbering

Distributed alignment
TextAlignmentPartially supported Distributed alignment is not supported.

Some visual differences might be seen in the alignment, anchoring, or wrapping of the text in other ODF applications.
TextColumnsNot supported
TextText rotationPartially supported270-rotation and stacked text are not supported.
TextHyperlinksPartially supportedRegular hyperlinks are supported, but on-hover hyperlinks are not supported.
TextListsFully supportedOther ODF applications might change the numbering/bulleting or not support it all together.
TextBasic formattingFully supported Italics, bold, underline, and strikethrough are all supported in ODF applications.

Different fonts or sizes are supported.
TextAdvanced formatting/graphic effectsPartially supportedUnsupported features include:

Picture filled, gradient filled, pattern filled, or empty filled text.

Some outer shadow effects on text.

Text with picture, gradient, pattern, or empty filled outlines.

Text cannot have outlines different from the fill color.
TextAutofitNot supportedWhen you save the presentation in .odp format, the font size for text boxes that have Autofit turned on are set to one size and no longer have Autofit when you open the file again in PowerPoint.
TextOverflowFully supportedOverflow might be seen differently in different ODF applications.

Graphics Features

The table below shows which PowerPoint 2010 graphics features are fully, partially, or not supported in the OpenDocument Format (.odp).

Basic ShapesLevel of supportComments
Text boxesSupportedSupported except for objects inside the text box. The objects inside the text box are dropped when you open an OpenDocument file.
WordArtPartially SupportedODF does not support the WordArt options in PowerPoint. As a result, WordArt is converted to a text box on save. The text and base text color are maintained but WordArt effects and formatting are lost.
3D shapes optionsNot Supported
PicturesSupportedSupported except for the insert and link option which are not supported by ODF.
SmartArt diagramsSupportedConverted to a group of shapes.
ActiveX controlsNot Supported
Objects in chartsSupportedConverted to a group containing the chart and objects.
Ink annotationSupportedThe ink annotation is converted to an Enhanced Metafile (EMF) image.
Group of objectsSupported
Object visibility Supported
Object bordersSupportedNot all border styles are supported. Border styles that are not supported are saved as the default border style (black, solid line).
Object fillsSupportedSupported except for slide background fill.

Additionally, gradient fills with more than two stops lose all stops after the first two.
Line formattingSupportedNot all line and line end styles are supported in ODF. Styles that are not supported are saved as the default, black solid line and open arrow type, respectively.
Picture croppingSupportedRegular cropping of a picture is supported. However, cropping a picture with a shape is not supported.
Picture recoloringPartially SupportedSome picture recoloring has the equivalent in ODF, such as black and white. Other picture recoloring does not have an equivalent and is flattened. The picture appears the same but the recoloring can no longer be changed or removed.
3D picture optionsNot Supported
Picture stylesPartially SupportedBorders are partially supported, but might not look the same.
ThemesNot Supported
Hyperlink on shapeNot Supported

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