Cabinet Configuration
Cabinet creation is the first step in the configuration of Omnidocs Engine. Omnidocs Engine provides integrated call to create a new cabinet and configure it with all components.
This call completely configures Omnidocs Engine and no further configuration is required.� Following are the details of the call to create a new Cabinet on Omnidocs Engine.
public String createCabinet ( String strInputXML� )
Input Parameters
Name |
Description |
strInputXML |
The input XML containing all information required
for cabinet creation. |
The Input XML that has to be sent for creating a cabinet and configuring all the components is described below.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
JtsIp |
Root |
The IP address of the JTS through which the cabinet is
to be created. |
Any valid IP. |
JtsPort |
Root |
The port on which JTS is listening. |
Any Integer>0. |
SmsIp |
Root |
IP address of the SMS which will store the documents of the cabinet. |
Any valid IP. |
SmsPort |
Root |
The port on which SMS listens. |
Any Integer>0. |
ThumbNailManagerIp |
Root |
IP address of the machine on which the thumbnail manager is running. |
Any valid IP. |
ThumbNailManagerPort |
Root |
Port on which the thumbnail manager is listening. |
Any Integer>0. |
CreateCabinet |
Root |
Contains information about the cabinet to be created. |
CabinetName |
CreateCabinet |
Name of the cabinet that has to be created. |
Any valid string. |
CabinetType |
CreateCabinet |
Type of cabinet to be created i.e. Document Cabinet or image cabinet or both. |
I � Image database. D � document database. B � Both. |
AutoVersion |
CreateCabinet |
Indicates Auto Versioning for the Cabinet. AutoVersioning �Yes� for a document implies that whenever the document is Checked In or Annotations are added / modified / deleted or image of document is changed, then a new Version of the document is created automatically.� AutoVersioning �No� for a document implies that creation of a new Version is done only when an explicit call is made. Recommended Auto Versioning� is �Yes�. |
Y � yes N � no |
EnableFts |
CreateCabinet |
Specifies whether FTS is to be enabled on the database or not. FTS is not available in this version of the engine. |
N � no |
SecurityLevel |
CreateCabinet |
This is the Security Level of the Cabinet . Its various options are: � None - No Security. No Rights validation is done for any User. � Cabinet Access�
- Cabinet Level Security that is, a User who has Rights on Cabinet has
similar Rights on all objects. � Document Access -� Object Level Security. Rights validation on each Object is done. User can be granted Rights on documents, folders, etc and Rights validation is done to ensure that the User has required Rights before he can perform any operation on the Object. Recommended Security Level is �Document Access�. |
0 � None 1 � Cabinet Access. 2 � Document Access. |
Database |
CreateCabinet |
Contains information about the database server on which the cabinet will be created. |
IP |
Database |
IP of the machine on which the database server is running. |
Any valid IP. |
Port |
Database |
Port on which the database server is listening. |
Any Integer>0. |
UserName |
Database |
User name with which to connect to the database. |
Any valid string. |
UserPassword |
Database |
Password of the user with which to connect to the database server. |
Any valid string. |
PhysicalLocation |
Database |
The physical location where the database files will stored. This tag is valid only for MSSQL and Oracle databases. |
Any valid string. |
DataBaseType |
Database |
The type of database on which the cabinet is to be created. |
postgres � Postgre database. oracle � Oracle database mssql � Microsoft SQL database |
DatabaseSize |
Database |
The size in megabytes of the database that will be created. This is applicable for MSSQL and Oracle databases only. |
Any Integer>0. |
LogSize |
Database |
MaxDBConnections |
Root |
Maximum connection that JTS will maintain with the cabinet at any point of time. |
Any integer >0 |
MinDBConnections |
Root |
The minimum number of connections with the database cabinet that the JTS will always retain. |
Any integer >0 and < MaxDBConnections. |
Querytimeout |
Root |
Maximum time for which the JTS will wait for the results of a query. If set to 0 JTS will wait forever. |
Any integer >=0. |
Service |
Root |
Service name (Valid only for Oracle database) |
In case of Oracle database Service name, empty otherwise. |
SMSServerProperty |
Root |
Contains information about label creation. |
Label |
SMSServerProperty |
Contains information about a particular label that is to be created. |
LabelName |
Label |
Name of the label on which is to be created. |
Any valid string. |
LabelPath |
Label |
The physical path where the data of the newly created label would be stored. |
Any valid storage path. |
CreateDirFlag |
Label |
Creates the directories in the path specified by the LabelPath if they do not exist. |
Y � yes N � no |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call executed successfully. If negative then there was an error. If positive then some warnings were generated. |
ErrorMessage |
Root |
The message describing� the error or warning that occurred during the execution of the call. |