transaction retrieves the Property of a document. User can specify whether to
fetch the data related to the associated Data Class. This call also provides
information about Global Indexes and Thumbnail.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Values |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
NGOGet Document Property |
N/A |
CabinetName |
Root |
Name of the Cabinet to which, the User wants to connect. |
The name of the Cabinet. |
N/A |
UserDBId |
Root |
UserDatabase ID, which is returned in the NGOConnect Cabinet call. |
N/A |
DocumentIndex |
Root |
The Document Index of the document whose Properties are to be
retrieved. |
Integer >=0 |
N/A |
CurrentDateTime |
Root |
The Date and Time at which the Document Properties are being retrieved. |
Valid Date in the format- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss |
The current Date and Time. |
ParentFolderIndex |
Root |
The Folder Index of the folder in which this document is present. |
Integer >=0 |
VersionNo |
Root |
The Version of the document whose Properties are to retrieved. |
X. Y where X>=1 and Y>=0 |
Current Version. |
DataAlsoFlag |
Root |
Specifies whether to fetch the values of the data fields of Data Class
associated with the document. |
Y Yes N No |
N |
ThumbNailAlsoFlag |
Root |
Specifies whether the Thumbnails of all the pages of the document are
to be retrieved or not. |
Y Yes N No |
N |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call.
If the Status is 0, then the call is successful. |
Document |
Root |
Contains the
Document Properties of the documents retrieved. |
DocumentIndex |
Document |
The Document Index
of the document whose properties have been retrieved. |
ParentFolderIndex |
Document |
The Folder Index of
the folder to which this document belongs. |
DocumentVersionNo |
Document |
The Version Number
of the document whose Document Properties have been retrieved. |
NoOfPages |
Document |
The total number of
pages in the document. |
DocumentName |
Document |
Name of the
document. |
Owner |
Document |
Name of the Owner
of the document. |
OwnerIndex |
Document |
The Index of the
Owner of the document. |
CreationDateTime |
Document |
The Date and Time
on which the document was created. |
RevisedDateTime |
Document |
The Date and Time
at which the Properties of the document were last changed. |
AccessDateTime |
Document |
The Date and Time
at which the document was last accessed. |
ExpiryDateTime |
Document |
The Date and Time
at after which the document will expire. |
VersionFlag |
Document |
Specifies whether
the Auto Versioning is enabled for the document. Y Yes N No |
AccessType |
Document |
Access Type on the
document. P Private, S
Shared, I Inherited |
DocumentType |
Document |
Type of document. I Image, N
Non image, X Reserved, A - Reserved |
CreatedByApp |
Document |
Reserved |
CreatedByAppName |
Document |
The extension of
the document. |
ISIndex |
Document |
The Image and Volume
Index of the document on the Image Server. |
TextISIndex |
Document |
Reserved for
internal use. |
DocumentSize |
Document |
The size of the
document in bytes. |
DocOrderNo |
Document |
The order in which
the document was added in the folder. |
FiledDateTime |
Document |
Date and Time when
the document was filed to its Parent Folder. |
FTSDocumentIndex |
Document |
Reserved for
internal use. |
ODMADocumentIndex |
Document |
Reserved for
internal use. |
EnableLog |
Document |
Flag that indicates
whether to enable Log for the document. N No, Y Yes |
DocumentLock |
Document |
Whether any User
has locked the document. N No, Y
Yes. |
LockByUser |
Document |
Index of the User
who locked the document. |
Comment |
Document |
Comments that were
added while adding the document or changing the Document Property. |
Author |
Document |
Author of the
document. |
DocumentAuthor |
Document |
Author of the
document. |
DocumentVersionNo |
Document |
Version no. of the
document. |
FTSFlag |
Document |
Reserved for
internal use. |
DocStatus |
Document |
The status of the
document. A Added, R
Read |
CheckoutBy |
Document |
Index of the User
who has checked out the document. |
FinalizedFlag |
Document |
Whether the
document has been finalized or not. N No, Y Yes |
FinalizedBy |
Document |
The name of the
User who finalized the document. |
FinalizedDateTime |
Document |
Date and Time when
the document was finalized. |
LoginUserRights |
Document |
The Rights of the
logged in User who has retrieved the Properties of the document. |
FiledBy |
Document |
The name of the
User who filed the document. |
Keywords |
Document |
Contains the
information about the keywords associated with the document. |
KeywordProperty |
Keywords |
Contains the
information about the keyword. |
Keyword |
Keyword Property |
The keyword
associated with the document. |
ACLMoreFlag |
Document |
Reserved for
internal use. |
Document |
Reserved for
internal use. |
ReferenceFlag |
Document |
Whether this
document has been referenced or not. N No, Y Yes |
CheckoutStatus |
Document |
Indicates whether
the document has been checked out or not N No, Y Yes |
PullPrintFlag |
Document |
Reserved for
internal use. |
DataDefinition |
Document |
Contains the
information about the Data Definition associated with the document. |
DataDefIndex |
DataDefinition |
The Index of the
Data Definition associated with the document. |
DataDefName |
DataDefinition |
The name of the
Data Definition associated with the document. |
Fields |
DataDefinition |
Contains the value
corresponding to various fields of the associated Data Definition. |
Field |
Fields |
information about individual fields of Data Definition. |
IndexId |
Field |
Field Index. |
IndexName |
Field |
Name of the field. |
IndexType |
Field |
Type of the field.
I Integer Type T Text Type S String Type L Long Type D Date Type B Boolean Type F Float Type X LinkedDoc |
IndexLength |
Field |
Length of field. |
IndexAttribute |
Field |
Attribute of the
field in the given class. 0 Null 1 Not Null 2 Unique and Null 3 Unique and not
Null 4- Null and
indexing done 5 Not Null and
indexing done 6 Unique and Null
and indexing done |
IndexFlag |
Field |
Specifies whether
the given Index is Global or specific to the Data Class. G Global. D Data Class
specific. |
IndexValue |
Field |
Value associated
with the field. |
UsefulInfoFlag |
Field |
Flag that specifies whether the
value of the Index is to be kept as useful data with the object, with which
this Data Class will be associated. This information is of use while
searching objects that have a given Data Class field value. Y Index value is kept as useful
information N Index value is not kept as
useful information |
UsefulInfoSize |
Field |
associated with the document. |
GlobalIndexes |
Contains the
information about Global Indexes associated with the document. |
Fields |
GlobalIndexes |
information about all the fields of Global Index Type. |
Field |
information about individual field of Global Index type. |
IndexId |
Field |
Field Index. |
IndexName |
Field |
Name of the field. |
IndexType |
Field |
Type of the field. I Integer Type T Text Type S String Type L Long Type D Date Type B Boolean Type F Float Type X LinkedDoc |
IndexLength |
Field |
Length of field. |
IndexFlag |
Field |
Specifies whether
the given Index is Global or specific to the Data Class. G Global D Data Class
specific |
IndexValue |
Field |
Value associated
with the field. |
ThumbNailFlag |
Indicates whether
the Thumbnail of the document has been generated or not. |
ThumbNail |
Contains the
Thumbnails of the pages of the document. |
PageNo |
ThumbNail |
The Page Number of
the document. |
ImageData |
ThumbNail |
Thumbnail data of
the document. |
Code |
Message |
Comments |
-50025 |
Document not found. |
Document with the
specified Document Index not found in its Parent Folder. |
-50023 |
Document not found. |
Document with the
specified Document Index does not exist. |
-50022 |
Insufficient rights
for the current operation. |
The logged in User
does not possess sufficient Rights to get the Document Property. |
-50132 |
Document has been
deleted. |
The specified
document has been deleted and is in Users Trash Folder. |
-50076 |
Invalid object
access type. |
Access type of document whose property is to be
fetched is improper. This error arises in the process of rights checking
on the document. |