functionality adds a document into to the SMS Server. The Path of the file from where Image ServerImage Server will upload
the document has to be specified.
Usage in Visual
C++/Visual Basic Application
Usage in Visual C++/Visual Basic
int WINAPI NGISAddDocument (
LPTSTR cabinetName, short volumeId,
Input Parameters description
Name |
Description |
Valid Values |
Type Of Parameter |
cabinetName |
Name of
the Image Cabinet to which the User wants to connect. |
Not Null |
Input Parameter |
volumeId |
Index of the Volume in which
document is to be added into the SMS. |
short>0 |
Input Parameter |
fileName |
Full path of the |
Not Null |
Input Parameter |
docDBData |
A pointer to a variable of type
RECOVERDOCDB. This information is not used at
present. |
Input Parameter |
UserIndex |
This parameter is reserved and
it can be used with the default value. |
null |
Input Parameter |
newIsIndex |
A pointer to a variable of type
N/A |
Output Parameter |
Output Parameters
method returns an integer that will be 1 in case of success else an error code
will be returned.
WINAPI NGISAddDocument_MT ( SOCKET * phSock,
LPTSTR siteAddress,
short portId, LPTSTR cabinetName,short
Input Parameters description
Name |
Description |
Valid Values |
Type Of Parameter |
phSock |
A pointer to a variable of type
SOCKET, which encapsulates a handle to a socket object to the JTS. |
A valid socket connection to
Input Parameter |
siteAddress |
IP address on which JTS server
is running. |
IP address where JTS running |
Input Parameter |
portId |
Port on which JTS Server is
running. |
short>0 |
Input Parameter |
cabinetName |
Name of the Image Cabinet to
which User wants to connect. |
Not Null |
Input Parameter |
volumeId |
Index of Volume in which document is to be added into the
SMS. |
short>0 |
Input Parameter |
fileName |
Full path of resource through
which |
Not Null |
Input Parameter |
docDBData |
A pointer to a variable of type
RECOVERDOCDB. This information is not used at
present. |
Input Parameter |
UserIndex |
This parameter is reserved and
it can be used with the default value. |
null |
Input Parameter |
newIsIndex |
A pointer to a variable of type
ISINDEX .The structure ISINDEX is returned by the |
N/A |
Output Parameter |
This method returns an integer that will be 1 in case of success else an
error code will be returned.
in Java Application
public int JPISAddDoc ( String cabinetName, short volumeId, String
JPDBRecoverDocData docDBData, JPISIsIndex isIndex,
JPDBInteger noOfSites, Vector
Input Parameters description
Name |
Description |
Valid Values |
Type Of Parameter |
cabinetName |
Name of the Image Cabinet to
which User wants to connect. |
Not Null |
Input Parameter |
volumeId |
Index of Volume in which
document is to be added into the SMS. |
short>0 |
Input Parameter |
fileName |
Full path of resource through
which |
Not Null |
Input Parameter |
docDBData |
An object of type
JPDBRecoverDocData. This information is not used at present but object
returned by the default constructor should be sent. |
Input Parameter |
isIndex |
An object of type JPISIsIndex
is returned by the |
N/A |
Output Parameter |
noOfSites |
Number Indicating at how many sites Replication was done. |
N/A |
Output Parameter |
repStatList |
Vector of JPISDocRepStat
objects. Members of JPISDocRepStat indicate the Site Id and a Boolean
indicating whether replication of document on that site was done successfully
or not. |
N/A |
Output Parameter |
Output Parameters
method returns an integer, which will be 1 in case of success else an error
code will be returned.
public int JPISAddDocument _MT ( JtsConnection jtsCon,String jtsAddress,
portId,String cabinetName, short volumeId,
fileName,JPDBRecoverDocData docDBData,
String userUserIndex, JPISIsIndex
Input Parameters description
Name |
Description |
Valid Values |
Type Of Parameter |
jtsCon |
This object holds a
connection to the JTS. However it can be sent as null as a new socket
connection to jts using second two parameters (jtsAddress and portId) is
created inside the function when the parameter is sent as null. |
Object of class JtsConnection
having a connection to JTS |
Input Parameter |
jtsAddress |
IP address on which JTS server
is running. |
IP address where JTS running |
Input Parameter |
portId |
Port on which JTS Server is running. |
short>0 |
Input Parameter |
cabinetName |
Name of the Image Cabinet to
which User wants to connect. |
Not Null |
Input Parameter |
volumeId |
Index of Volume in which
document is to be added into the SMS. |
short>0 |
Input Parameter |
fileName |
Full path of resource through
which |
Not null |
Input Parameter |
docDBData |
An object of type
JPDBRecoverDocData. This information is not used at present but object
returned by the default constructor should be sent. |
Input Parameter |
UserIndex |
This parameter is reserved and
it can be used with the default value. |
null |
Input Parameter |
newIsIndex |
An object of type JPISIsIndex is
returned by the |
N/A |
Output Parameter |
Output Parameters
method returns an integer, which will be 1 in case of success else an error
code will be returned.