Salvage Document

This functionality salvages a document that has been marked for deletion.


Usage in Visual C++/Visual Basic Application

Usage in Java Application



Usage in Visual C++/Visual Basic Application


int WINAPI NGISSalvageDoc (LPTSTR cabinetName, LPISINDEX isIndex)


Input Parameters description



Valid Values

Type Of Parameter


Name of the Image Cabinet to which the User wants to connect.

Not Null

Input Parameter


A pointer to a variable of type ISINDEX . The structure ISINDEX contains information (viz.namely , index Index of the volumeVolume in which document is added and the index Index of the document in that volumeVolume) about the document to be salvaged.


Input Parameter


Output Parameters

This method returns an integer that will be 1 in case of success else an error code will be returned.



Usage in Java Application



public int JPISSalvageDoc (String cabinetName, JPISIsIndex iSIndex)


Input Parameters description



Valid Values

Type Of Parameter


Name of the Image Cabinet to which the User wants to connect.

Not null

Input Parameter


An object of type JPISIsIndex, which that contains information (viz.namely, index Index of the volumeVolume in which document is added and the index Index of the document in that volumeVolume) about the document to be salvaged. 


Input Parameter


Output Parameters

This method returns an integer that will be 1 in case of success else an error code will be returned.



public int JPISSalvageDoc_MT ( JtsConnection jsCon, String jtsAddress, short jtsPortId,

          String cabinetName, JPISIsIndex isIndex



Input Parameters description



Valid Values

Type Of Parameter


This object holds a connection to the JTS. However, it can be sent as null, as a new socket connection to JTS using second two parameters (jtsAddress and portId) is created inside the function when the parameter is sent as null.

Object of class JtsConnection having a connection to JTS

Input Parameter


IP aAddress on which the JTS server is running.

IP aAddress where JTS running

Input Parameter


Port on which port JTS is running.


Input Parameter


Name of the Image Cabinet to which the User wants to connect.

Not Null

Input Parameter


An object of type JPISIsIndex, which that contains information (viz.namely,  index Index of the volumeVolume in which document is added and the index Index of the document in that volumeVolume) about the document to be salvaged. 


Input Parameter


Output Parameters

This method returns an integer that will be 1 in case of success else an error code will be returned.