This transaction creates a copy of
the folder at the specified location.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Values |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
NGOCopy Folder |
N/A |
CabinetName |
Root |
Name of the Cabinet to which the
User wants to connect. |
N/A |
UserDBId |
Root |
UserDatabase ID, which is returned
in the NGOConnectCabinet call. |
N/A |
CurrentDateTime |
Root |
Current Date and Time. |
Valid date in the format yyyy-mm-dd
hh:mm:ss |
Current Date and Time. |
FolderIndex |
Root |
Index of the folder to be copied. |
Integer > 0 |
N/A |
DestFolderIndex |
Root |
Index of the destination folder
where the specified folder is to be copied. |
Integer > 0 |
N/A |
ParentFolderIndex |
Root |
Index of the Parent Folder where the
specified folder is to be copied. |
Integer > 0 |
Root |
maximum length of folder name supported by JTS is 255 characters but if the
User wishes that the maximum length of copied folder name is lesser than 255
characters then it can be specified in this tag. |
< 255 |
DuplicateName |
Root |
duplicate name is to be generated for the given folder or not. |
Y or N |
Y |
DataAlsoFlag |
Root |
if ‘Y’ then data class values will
also be copied |
Y or N |
N |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If the Status is
0, then the call is successful. |
Folder |
Root |
Outer tag contains the information
about the copy of the folder that was created. |
FolderIndex |
Folder |
Index of the folder. |
ParentFolderIndex |
Folder |
Index of parent of the folder. |
NoOfSubFolders |
Folder |
No of subfolders present in the
folder. |
NoOfDocuments |
Folder |
No of documents present in the
folder. |
FolderName |
Folder |
Name of the folder. |
Owner |
Folder |
Owner of the folder. |
OwnerIndex |
Folder |
User Index of the Owner of the
folder. |
CreationDateTime |
Folder |
Date and Time at which the folder
was created |
RevisedDateTime |
Folder |
Date and Time at which the folder
was last modified. |
AccessDateTime |
Folder |
Date and Time at which the folder
was last accessed. |
DeletedDateTime |
Folder |
Date and Time when the folder was
deleted. |
AccessType |
Folder |
Indicates whether the folder is a
Shared folder / Private folder or Inherits its Access Type from its Parent
Folder. |
ImageVolumeIndex |
Folder |
Volume Index of the Image Server
where the documents added in this folder will be added, if no Volume Index is
supplied in the Add Document call. |
FolderType |
Folder |
Indicates the Type of the folder. |
FolderLock |
Folder |
Indicates if any User has locked the
folder. |
LockByUser |
Folder |
Index of the User who has locked the
folder. |
Location |
Folder |
Folder Type of the Parent Folder. |
ExpiryDateTime |
Folder |
Date and Time after which the folder
will expire. |
VersionFlag |
Folder |
Indicates whether Versioning will be
allowed for the documents added to the folder. |
Comment |
Folder |
Comments associated with the folder. |
FinalizedFlag |
Folder |
Indicates whether the Folder is
finalized or not. |
FinalizedDateTime |
Folder |
Date and Time when the folder was
finalized. |
FinalizedBy |
Folder |
Name of the user by whom the folder
has been finalized. |
Folder |
String comprising the Rights of
Users / Groups on the current document. |
ACLMoreFlag |
Folder |
Reserved for internal use. |
EnableFtsFlag |
Folder |
Reserved for internal use. |
DataDefIndex |
Folder |
Index of the Data Class associated
with the folder. |
DataDefName |
Folder |
Name of the Data Class associated
with the folder. |
IndexId |
Folder |
Index of the data class field. |
IndexName |
Folder |
Name of the data class field. |
IndexValue |
Folder |
Value of the data class field. |
NoOfReferenced Documents |
Folder |
Number of shortcuts in the specified
folder. |
LockMessage |
Folder |
Message to be shown if the Folder is
Locked. |
Code |
Message |
Comments |
-50017 |
not found. |
the folder that is to be copied or the destination folder does not exist. |
-50171 |
Folder is
deleted or moved. |
that is to be copied has already been moved to some other location or
deleted. |
-50021 |
Folder is
in use. |
other than the logged in User has locked the destination Folder. |
-50019 |
of the Folder have been finalized. |
destination Folder has been finalized. Once the folder is finalized, its
Properties cannot be changed. |
-50069 |
copy Folder. |
could not be copied to the destination folder. |
-50076 |
object access type. |
folder has improper access type.This error occurs in the process of rights
checking on the destination folder. |
-50023 |
not found. |
Document in the folder to be copied
or in any of its subfolders , doesn’t
exist in the system. |
-50170 |
is deleted or moved. |
Document in the folder to be copied or
in any of its subfolders ,has been deleted or moved to some other folder. |
-50132 |
has been deleted. |
Document in the folder to be copied
or in any of its subfolders, has been moved to users trash. |
-50070 |
Can not
copy document. |
Document in the folder to be copied or in any of its subfolders, could not be
copied because either the source folder or destination folder has improper
type. |
-50022 |
rights for the current operation. |
rights on some Document in the folder to be copied or in any of its
subfolders. |
-50018 |
rights for the current operation. |
rights on Destination folder. |