Function Name: getGetKeyWordsListExtXml
Class: com.newgen.dmsapi.DMSInputXml
Description: This function is used to fetch all the Keywords, that is, all Keywords added by the any User so far.
Input Parameters Sample InputXML
Output Parameters Sample OutputXML
View xml API::NGOGetKeywordsListExt
public String getGetKeyWordsListExtXml (String cabinetName,String userDbId,
String groupIndex,
String authorizationFlag,
String queryOnName, String orderBy,
String sortOrder, String prevIndex,
String lastSortField,
String noOfRecordsToFetch)
Name |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Behavior |
cabinetName |
Name of the Database Cabinet to which the User wants to connect. |
The name of the Cabinet. |
N/A |
userDbId |
UserDatabase ID, which is returned in the NGOConnectCabinet call. |
N/A |
groupIndex |
Reserved. User can pass default value. |
0 |
authorizationFlag |
Flag, which specifies the required type of Keywords, that is, only Authorized or UnAuthorized or both the types. |
A � Only Authorized Keywords. U � Only UnAuthorized Keywords. * - Both kind |
* |
queryOnName |
Specifies that the Keywords whose names match the specified criteria alone are to be fetched. For example, auth* means that all Keywords that begins with �auth� are to be fetched. |
All the Keywords will be fetched. |
orderBy |
Specifies the field on which sorting has to be done. |
1 � Index 2 � Name |
1 |
sortOrder |
Order in which Keywords are to be sorted. |
A � Ascending D � Descending |
A |
prevIndex |
It is used for fetching Objects in batches. It specifies the Index of the last Keyword in the previous batch. For first batch, value of this field is 0. |
0 |
lastSortField |
It specifies the last value of the field in the previous batch on which sorting was done. It is sent blank for the first batch. |
Blank |
noOfRecordsToFetch |
Total number of Keywords to be fetched in the call. |
Batch size set at Server. |
An inputXml string of the NGOGetKeyWordListExt call.