GroupGroup is a logical entity Entity used for collection of userUsers. GroupGroups can be created in System by those userUsers who have privileges Privileges to Add/Delete GroupGroup in the System. Rights on any object can be specified for groupGroups. All members of that groupGroup will inherit the same rightsRights. Every groupGroup has a groupGroup typeType. All the groupGroups created by userUser and System is termed as General GroupGroup and is denoted by ‘G’. Applications can have their own groupGroup type defined specifically for their use. Three groupGroups that are created by default while creating a Cabinet are Everyone, Supervisor and Public.
To Aadd User groupGroup to the System.
To dDelete groupGroup from the System.
To Aadd members to groupGroup.
To dDelete member from groupGroup.
To gGet propertiesProperties of a groupGroup.
To cChange propertiesProperties of a groupGroup.
To gGet list the List of groupGroups in the System.
To aAdd a User to various GroupGroups.