How to use Configuration API


Omnidocs Engine provides a standard function using which any of the components of Omnidocs Engine can be configured.


Sample call to Associate a new cabinet on JTS using Configuration API.


If the user wants to associate a new cabinet on JTS following steps are to be followed.


1.       Import Omnidocs engine configuration package

import com.newgen.dmsconfigapi.*;


2.       Make the inputXml for Associate Cabinet

String strInputXml = “<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>


















3.       Use the excuteCall method of DMSConfig class to execute this XML on JTS

DMSConfig dmsConfig = new DMSConfig ();

String strOutputXml = dmsConfig.executeCall(strInputXml,   strJtsIp, strJtsAdminPort);



strOutputXml – is the output xml returned from the server.

strJtsIp  - is the ip of the server on which JTS is running.

strJtsPort – is the admin port of JTS server