Thumbnail Manager
This XML Fetches the
Thumbnail Manager properties.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
GetThumbnailMgrProperty |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call is successful. |
ThumbnailMgrInfo |
Root |
Contains the thumbnail manager properties. |
UI |
ThumbnailMgrInfo |
Contains the properties of UI component of thumbnail manager. |
Enabled |
UI |
Specifies whether this component is enabled or not. True – The component is enabled. False – The component is disabled. |
Debug |
UI |
Specifies whether debugging information is to be generated or not. 0 – no debugging information is to be generated. 1 – input XML would be logged. 2 – output as well as input XML will be logged. |
Batchsize |
UI |
The batch size for folder search operation. |
Notification sink |
ThumbnailMgrInfo |
Properties of the notification sink. |
Enabled |
Notification sink |
Specifies whether this component is enabled or not. True – The component is enabled. False – The component is disabled. |
Maxpages |
Notification sink |
Maximum number of pages per document whose thumbnails would be generated. |
Generatelog |
Notification sink |
Specifies whether the errors are to be logged or not. True – the errors are logged. False – the errors are not logged. |
General |
Root |
General Properties of thumbnail manager. |
Documenttype |
General |
The document type who’s thumbnail is to be generated. N – only non-image document’s thumbnails are to be generated. I - only image document’s thumbnails are to be generated. B – both image and non-image document’s thumbnails are to be generated. |
Thumbnailservicehost |
General |
IP address of the machine on which the thumbnail service is running. |
Thumbnailserviceport |
General |
Port on which the thumbnail service is listening. |
Serverport |
General |
Port on which the thumbnail manager is listening. |
Maxconnections |
General |
Maximum outstanding connection that can be made to thumbnail manager at any point of time. |
Scheduler |
ThumbnailMgrInfo |
Properties of the scheduler. |
Enabled |
Scheduler |
Specifies whether the scheduler is enabled or not. True – The scheduler is enabled. False – The scheduler is disabled. |
Generatelog |
Scheduler |
Specifies whether the errors are to be logged or not. True – the errors are logged. False – the errors are not logged. |
Sleeptime |
Scheduler |
The time in milliseconds for which the scheduler will sleep when the number of threads exceeds MaxThreadCount. |
Waittime |
Scheduler |
The time in milliseconds for which the scheduler will sleep after all the cabinets have been scheduled for thumbnail generation. |
MaxThreadCount |
Scheduler |
If the number of threads exceeds MaxThreadCount then the scheduler will go into sleep state. |
NoOfPages |
Scheduler |
This specifies the number of pages per document whose thumbnails will be generated in one schedule cycle. |
cabinets |
Root |
Contains the list of cabinets to be scheduled for thumbnail generation. |
cabinet |
cabinets |
Information about a particular cabinet. |
cabinetname |
cabinet |
Name of the cabinet. |
JtsIp |
cabinet |
IP address of the machine on which the JTS is running. |
JtsPort |
cabinet |
The port on which the JTS is listening. |
User |
cabinet |
User name of the admin user with which to connect to the cabinet. |
Password |
cabinet |
Password of admin user with which to connect to the cabinet. |
Priority |
cabinet |
Relative priority for scheduling for this cabinet. |
This XML sets the
thumbnail manager properties to those specified in the input XML.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
ChangeThumbnailMgrProperty |
UI |
ThumbnailMgrInfo |
Contains the properties of UI component of thumbnail manager. |
Enabled |
UI |
Specifies whether this component is enabled or not. |
True – The component is enabled. False – The component is disabled. |
Debug |
UI |
Specifies whether debugging information is to be generated or not.
0 – no debugging information is to be generated. 1 – input XML would be logged. 2 – output as well as input XML will be logged. |
Batchsize |
UI |
The batch size for folder search operation. |
Any integer >0 |
Notification sink |
ThumbnailMgrInfo |
Properties of the notification sink. |
Enabled |
Notification sink |
Specifies whether this component is enabled or not. |
True – The component is enabled. False – The component is disabled. |
Maxpages |
Notification sink |
Maximum number of pages per document whose thumbnails would be generated. |
Any Integer >0 |
Generatelog |
Notification sink |
Specifies whether the errors are to be logged or not. |
True – the errors are logged. False – the errors are not logged. |
General |
Root |
General Properties of thumbnail manager. |
Documenttype |
General |
The document type whose thumbnail is to be generated. |
N – only non image document’s thumbnails are to be generated. I - only image document’s thumbnails are to be generated. B – both image and non image document’s thumbnails are to be generated. |
Thumbnailservicehost |
General |
IP address of the machine on which the thumbnail service is running. |
Any valid IP address. |
Thumbnailserviceport |
General |
Port on which the thumbnail service is listening. |
Any Integer >0 |
Serverport |
General |
Port on which the thumbnail manager is listening. |
Any Integer >0 |
Maxconnections |
General |
Maximum outstanding connection that can be made to thumbnail manager at any point of time. |
Any Integer >0 |
Scheduler |
ThumbnailMgrInfo |
Properties of the scheduler. |
Enabled |
Scheduler |
Specifies whether the scheduler is enabled or not. |
True – The scheduler is enabled. False – The scheduler is disabled. |
Generatelog |
Scheduler |
Specifies whether the errors are to be logged or not. |
True – the errors are logged. False – the errors are not logged. |
Sleeptime |
Scheduler |
The time in milliseconds for which the scheduler will sleep when the number of threads exceeds MaxThreadCount. |
Any Integer > 0 |
Waittime |
Scheduler |
The time in milliseconds for which the scheduler will sleep after all the cabinets have been scheduled for thumbnail generation. |
Any Integer > 0 |
MaxThreadCount |
Scheduler |
If the number of threads exceeds MaxThreadCount then the scheduler will go into sleep state. |
Any Integer > 0 |
NoOfPages |
Scheduler |
This specifies the number of pages per document whose thumbnails will be generated in one schedule cycle. |
Any Integer > 0 |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the JTS is running. |
This XML shuts down
the thumbnail manager.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Shutdown |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call is successful. |
This XML first shuts
down the thumbnail manager and then starts it again.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Restart |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call is successful. |
This XML adds a cabinet in the configuration file so that it can be scheduled for thumbnail generation.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
AddCabinet |
cabinet |
Root |
Information about the cabinet that has to be added. |
cabinetname |
cabinet |
Name of the cabinet. |
Any valid string. |
JtsIp |
cabinet |
IP address of the machine on which the JTS is running. |
Any valid IP. |
JtsPort |
cabinet |
The port on which the JTS is listening. |
Any Integer > 0 |
User |
cabinet |
User name of the admin user with which to connect to the cabinet. |
Any valid string. |
Password |
cabinet |
Password of admin user with which to connect to the cabinet. |
Any valid string. |
Priority |
cabinet |
Relative priority for scheduling for this cabinet. |
Any Integer. |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call is successful. |
This XML removes the specified cabinet from the configuration file so that it won’t be scheduled for thumbnail generation.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
AddCabinet |
cabinet |
Root |
Information about the cabinet that has to be added. |
cabinetname |
cabinet |
Name of the cabinet. |
Any valid string. |
JtsIp |
cabinet |
IP address of the machine on which the JTS is running. |
Any valid IP. |
JtsPort |
cabinet |
The port on which the JTS is listening. |
Any Integer > 0 |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
AdminOption |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call is successful. |