OmniDocs Cabinet Manager


OmniDocs provides a Cabinet Manager uUtility for creating and deleting database cCabinet. This section provides an overview of installing uUtility for cCabinet cCreation and how to create or delete a database cCabinet using it. .

Installation procedure


OmniDocs Cabinet manager Manager is a uUtility for creating a database cCabinet on SQL Server or Oracle Database. It also gives the facility for deleting the cCabinet on the specified sServer.


The following are the steps for installing Follow the instructions below to Install OmniDocs Cabinet Manager.


1.       Double Click on CabinetManager.exe. This will unpack the exe on the User’syour systemmachine.




2.       The following screen appears. Click Next to start the installation.



3.       To continue with installation accept the License agreement by clicking on the Yes Button.



4.       Provide User Information for the machine on which you are installingthe Server is installed.



5.       Choose the directory where you want to installwhere the  sServer has to be installed by clicking on the bBrowse button. By default, it willthe installation is done in directory c:\Program files\Omni Docs Transaction Server.



6.       Select the name of the Pprogram Ffolder that will be added to the your programs icon. Newgen OmniDocs is the Ddefault value for the Program is Newgen OmniDocs. The required files are copied to the System. It will copy all the required files on your system.



7.       Click Finish Button to complete finish the OmniDocs Cabinet Manager Installation.


Cabinet creation


After Installing OmniDocs Cabinet Manager Utility, the next step is to create a DatabaseCabinet. The Following Instructions beloware to create a Database cabinetCabinet.


To start the Database Creation utility Utility, Perform perform the following steps:


§         Move to Start menu.

§         Select Programs.

§         Select Newgen OmniDocs.

§         Select OmniDocs Cabinet manager.



There are three options available on this screen.


·          Create          


For creating a Database cabinetCabinet click on cCreate button. This option can be used to create cabinetCabinet on SQL Server or Oracle. It creates a database cabinetCabinet and the required stored procedures.


Oracle Server:  When one creates a cabinetCabinet on Oracle Sserver, this uUtility creates a TableSpace in the database for which the SID is specified. For creating a cabinetCabinet on Oracle Server following parameters need to be specified.




Name of the new CabinetCabinet.


Name of the Server machine where to create the cabinetCabinet has to be created.


Name of the userUser for connecting to Oracle Database.


Password of the userUser for connecting to Oracle Database.


Type of cabinetCabinet - Document CabinetCabinet or Image CabinetCabinet or Both.


Name of the database Database deviceDevice.

Device Path

Path to the Ora file where data is stored.


Size of the Database in MB.


Size of the Log file that is generated.

TNS Port

Port on which oOracle service Service Listener is running.


Unique identity for the database on oracle Oracle server Server machineMachine.






SQL Server: The following screen appears in order to create a Cabinet on SQL Server. For creating a cabinet on SQL Server The parameters that are required to be provided are: following screen comes and the parameters need to be specified are mentioned below.  



Name of the new CabinetCabinet.


Name of the Server machine where to create the cabinetCabinet has to be created.


Name of the userUser for connecting to SQL Server.


Password of the userUser for connecting to SQL Server.


Type of cabinetCabinet - Document CabinetCabinet, Image CabinetCabinet or Both.

Device Path

Path to the Dat file where data is stored.


Name of the dDatabase dDevice.


Size of the Database in MB.


Size of the Log file that is generated.

TNS Port

Not used.


Not Uused.




 Upon clicking on the Advanced button, the following screen is displayed appears where the nName, Path and Size of the Log file are specified.   

 of the log file  and its path and size can be specified.



Click the OK button after providing the entering appropriate values to start the . The dDatabase cCreation.  will start. The status of the Database Creation is displayed In the Status Bar (a box at the bottom of the window).  will display the status.


After some time the following dialogs are displayed.  another dialog window would appear as shown below:




Security Level – This is the securitySecurity Llevel of the cabinetCabinet . Its various options are:


§         None - No securitySecurity. No rightRights validation is done for any userUser.

§         CabinetCabinet Access  - CabinetCabinet Level Security i.ethat is,. a userUser who has rightRights on cabinetCabinet has              similar rightRights on     all    objects.

§         Document Access -  Object lLevel securitySecurity. RightRights validation on each oObject is done. UserUser can be granted rightRights on documents, folders, etc and rightRights validation is done to ensure that the userUser has required rRights before he can perform any operation on the objectObject.


Recommended securitySecurity level Level is ‘Document Access’.


Auto Versioning – Indicates Auto Versioning for the cabinetCabinet. If AutoVersioning is not specified explicitly for a  document , it is inherited from the pParent fFolder and so on in the hierarchy and the top-level fFolder inherits it from the cabinetCabinet. AutoVersioning ‘Yes’ for a document implies that whenever the document is cChecked iIn or aAnnotations are added to it are added / modified / deleted or image of document is changed, then a new version Version of the document is created automatically.  and AutoVersioning ‘No’ for a document implies that creation of a new vVersion is done only when an explicit call is made.


Recommended Auto Versioning  is ‘Yes’.


             Enable FTS – Indicates whether Full Text Search will be supported on thise specified cabinetCabinet or not.

FTS Database Path – Reserved, it can be left blank.


After some time, the database Database creation Creation would be completed and the status in the bottom box will read  ”Cabinet created successfully” message is displayed in the Status Bar.


·          Delete           


This option allows deletion ofing the existing Database cabinetCabinet that is not in  use. Upon clicking on the dDelete option, the following screen is displayed. appears.



Specify the server Server nName, and whether the dDatabase cabinetCabinet is for SQL Server or Oracle and click on Get List of Cabinets button . It will give the lList of cabinetCabinets on the specified sServer. Select the cabinetCabinet that is to be deleted you want to delete and press dDelete button. it will delete tThe required cabinetCabinet is deleted and will free all the resources used by the cabinetCabinet are set free.


·          Exit                 Exits from the cabinetCabinet cCreation uUtility.