
Data Definitions are set of iIndexes that can be associated with the document or folder by providing the uUnique eEntity to them. These iIndexes store the values provided by the userUser, so that search can be performed on them. The indexes Indexes or fFields of a data classData Class can be of different types.  For example,  e.g. Integer, Text, Float, Raw, Date and, Boolean.


When a data definition Data Definition is associated with a document or folder it becomes an integral part of the folder or dDocument pProperty. It can be assigned, modified and searched upon. For e.g.xample, if we User creates a data definition Data Definition named employee, containing Fields like emp_id, emp_name, emp_doj etc., it can be associated with all the employees record and provides a quick way of searching on any fields. UserUser can also provide a constraint on fields. Various field constraint supported are Unique and Mandatory. Following functions are exposed for various data definition operations.



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