Description: This call is used to
get the list of all the Documents available in a Folder.
public String
getGetDocumentListExtXml(String cabinetName, String userDbId,
String creationDateTime, String
String docIndex, String prevIndex,
String lastSortField, String startFrom,
String noOfRecordsToFetch, String
String sortOrder, String dataAlsoFlag,
String prevRefIndex, String
String refOrderBy, String
String noOfRefToFetch, String
String recursiveFlag, String
String thumbnailAlsoFlag, String strAnnotationFlag,
Name |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Behaviour |
cabinetName |
Name of the Database Cabinet to which the User wants to connect. |
N/A |
UserDbId |
UserDatabase ID, which is returned after the execution of
getConnectCabinetXml call. |
N/A |
creationDateTime |
Date and Time of creation of the Group. |
A valid Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss |
Current Date and Time. |
FolderIndex |
Unique Index of the Folder. |
Integer >= 1 |
System does not check for any Limit. |
DocIndex |
Index of the document whose linked Document List has to be fetched. |
Integer >= 1 |
System does not check for any Limit. |
PrevIndex |
This tag is used for fetching Objects in batches. It specifies the
Index of the last Object in the previous batch. For the first batch, value of
this field is 0. |
Integer >= 0 |
0 |
LastSortField |
It specifies the Name of that Object on which Sorting is done. It is
basically the last Object in the previous batch of Objects and is sent blank
for the first batch. |
Depends upon the value of the last Object in the previous batch based
on which the Sorting was done. |
null |
StartFrom |
It is an integer, which specifies the number starting from which the
Objects are to be taken from the Records in the Result Set. |
Integer > 0 |
1 |
NoOfRecordsTo Fetch |
Total Number of Records to be fetched in call. |
Integer > 0 |
N/A |
OrderBy |
A number that specifies the field on which Sorting is to be done. |
1 Index 2 Object Name 3 Owner 5 RevisedDate Time 9 CreatedByApp Name 10 NoOfPages 11 DocumentSize 18 DocOrderNo |
1 |
SortOrder |
Order of records to be fetched in ascending or descending |
A Ascending D Descending |
A |
DataAlsoFlag |
Data about data class and their associated value has to fetch with the
list or not. |
Y/N |
N |
prevRefIndex |
This tag is used for fetching references objects in batches. It
specifies the index of the last object in the previous batch. For first batch
value of this field is 0. |
Integer >= 0 |
0 |
LastRefField |
It specifies the name of that references on which sorting is done. It
is basically the last object in the previous batch of references and is sent
blank for the first batch |
Depends upon the value of previous batch last reference on which short
was done. |
null |
RefOrderBy |
A number which specifies the field on which sorting is to be done. |
Integer > 0 |
1 |
RefSortOrder |
Order of references to be fetched in ascending or descending |
A Ascending D Descending |
A |
NoOfReferenceTo Fetch |
Specifies the number of Referenced objects to be fetched |
Integer > 0 |
50 |
RecursiveFlag |
It specifies whether the subfolders are to be considered or not for
getting the results |
Y subfolders are considered N subfolders not considered |
N |
documentType |
Specifies the type of the document. |
N, I, A (reserved). |
Blank |
referenceFlag |
Indicates whether Referenced or Original documents have to be fetched
or not. |
O, R |
Null will fetch both types. |
thumbNailAlsoFlag |
Data of the thumbnail is also be fetch or not flag |
Y/N |
N |
AnnotationFlag |
If this parameter has value
Y then the tag with same name is returned with Y/N Indicating whether the
document has annotation or not. |
Y/N |
N |
LinkDocFlag |
This signifies whether the
linked documents should come in document list or not. |
Y/N |
N |
Xml of call NGOGetDocumentListExt.