Code |
Error Message |
-50000 |
Unknown error. |
-50001 |
Cabinet not found. |
-50002 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
-50003 |
User does not exist. |
-50004 |
User not logged in. |
-50005 |
User with the specified name has already logged in. |
-50006 |
User account has expired. |
-50007 |
Invalid User name. |
-50008 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
-50009 |
User with the same name already exists. |
-50010 |
User not alive. |
-50011 |
Insufficient privileges for the current operation. |
-50012 |
Target User has not sufficient privileges. |
-50013 |
Group not found. |
-50014 |
Group name already exist. |
-50015 |
Insufficient privileges for the current operation. |
-50016 |
Group not found. |
-50017 |
Folder not found. |
-50018 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
-50019 |
Properties of the Folder have been finalized. |
-50020 |
Reference to the Folder already exists. |
-50021 |
Folder is in used. |
-50022 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
-50023 |
Document not found. |
-50024 |
Document order not specified. |
-50025 |
Document not found. |
-50026 |
Document is in use. |
-50027 |
Properties of the Document have been finalized. |
-50028 |
Data Class not found. |
-50029 |
Data Class associated with the folder. |
-50030 |
Data Class associated with the document. |
-50031 |
Data Class with the same name already exists. |
-50032 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
-50033 |
Data Class contains data. |
-50034 |
Annotation not found. |
-50035 |
Annotation not found. |
-50036 |
Some keywords not found. |
-50037 |
Some keywords already exist. |
-50038 |
Keyword(s) not found. |
-50039 |
All keyword indexes do not exist. |
-50040 |
All keyword indexes already exist. |
-50041 |
Keyword(s) with the same name already exist. |
-50042 |
Cannot generate audit trial. |
-50043 |
GlobalIndex not found. |
-50044 |
GlobalIndex already exist. |
-50045 |
GlobalIndex not found. |
-50046 |
Invalid Field type. |
-50047 |
Invalid Field length. |
-50048 |
Field is not associated with Data Class. |
-50049 |
Some keywords not exist as alias. |
-50050 |
Alias not found. |
-50051 |
Invalid action performed. |
-50052 |
Primary key attribute is not allowed. |
-50053 |
Check rights failed. |
-50054 |
Invalid object type. |
-50055 |
Create temptable failed. |
-50056 |
Page not found. |
-50057 |
Invalid privileges for the current operation. |
-50058 |
Specified User does not exist. |
-50059 |
Insufficient privileges for current operation. |
-50060 |
Annotation not found. |
-50061 |
Insufficient rights for current operation. |
-50062 |
Logged in User cannot perform operation on self. |
-50063 |
Specified User has expired. |
-50064 |
Specified User is not alive. |
-50065 |
Attachment does not exist. |
-50066 |
Group has expired. |
-50067 |
Cannot move folder. |
-50068 |
Cannot move document. |
-50069 |
Cannot copy Folder. |
-50070 |
Cannot copy document. |
-50071 |
Document has been checked out. |
-50072 |
Document already exists. |
-50073 |
Cannot assign rights to Admin. |
-50074 |
Invalid parameters. |
-50075 |
Failed to create Version of the document. |
-50076 |
Invalid object access type. |
-50077 |
Specified Field already associated with Data Class. |
-50078 |
User is not Administrator. |
-50079 |
Specified User not logged in. |
-50080 |
Administrator not logged in. |
-50081 |
Data not available. |
-50082 |
GlobalIndex associated with Data Class. |
-50083 |
Field with the same name already exists. |
-50084 |
Supervisor cannot be deleted. |
-50085 |
System groups cannot be deleted. |
-50086 |
Document has expired. |
-50087 |
Owner specified does not exist. |
-50088 |
Invalid Flag. |
-50089 |
Annotation name not exist. |
-50090 |
Annotations with the same name already exist. |
-50091 |
Versioning is not allowed for the Document. |
-50092 |
Invalid application. |
-50093 |
Only Administrator or Owner can change the ownership. |
-50094 |
No GlobalIndex associated. |
-50095 |
Service already registered on the specified host |
-50096 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
-50097 |
Folder dynamic table already exist. |
-50098 |
Document dynamic table already exist. |
-50099 |
Service not registered on the host. |
-50100 |
GlobalIndex associated with the Document. |
-50101 |
Application already registered. |
-50102 |
Application not registered. |
-50103 |
Invalid Global or Data flag. |
-50104 |
Invalid Folder type. |
-50105 |
Only one primary key is allowed with the Data Class. |
-50106 |
Invalid Field attribute. |
-50107 |
Insufficient privileges for the current operation. |
-50108 |
Data Class not found. |
-50109 |
One or more field already associated with the Data Class. |
-50110 |
Insufficient rights to connect to the Cabinet. |
-50111 |
The specified Version of the Document does not exist. |
-50112 |
No data found. |
-50113 |
Document Version already exists. |
-50114 |
User is already a member of the Group. |
-50115 |
No field associated with the Data Class. |
-50116 |
Insufficient privileges for the current operation. |
-50117 |
Properties of System Groups cannot be modified. |
-50118 |
Cannot add Folder to the specified location. |
-50119 |
System defined properties cannot be changed. |
-50120 |
Folder with the same name already exists. |
-50121 |
No references exist for the Document. |
-50122 |
Reference to the Document already exists. |
-50123 |
No references exist for the Folder. |
-50124 |
Object with the name already exists. |
-50125 |
Cabinet has been locked for Administrative purposes. |
-50126 |
Only Administrator or the Owner can unlock. |
-50127 |
Invalid Password. |
-50128 |
Member of the Group cannot modify privileges of its own
Group. |
-50129 |
Member of the Group cannot modify rights of its own Group. |
-50130 |
User cannot assign rights to himself. |
-50131 |
Form name already exist. |
-50132 |
Document has been deleted. |
-50133 |
Folder has been deleted. |
-50134 |
Folder has expired. |
-50135 |
Member cannot delete group. |
-50136 |
Document reference already exists. |
-50137 |
Value already exists. |
-50138 |
User not Owner or supervisor. |
-50139 |
Expiry date cannot be less than current date. |
-50140 |
Member cannot change Group's expiry date. |
-50141 |
User not allowed to connect. |
-50142 |
Invalid Alarm type. |
-50143 |
Invalid Alarm object. |
-50144 |
Invalid Alarm action. |
-50145 |
Alarm already set. |
-50146 |
Invalid session. |
-50147 |
Version is in use. |
-50148 |
Form not exists. |
-50149 |
Reminder is already set. |
-50150 |
Invalid date for Reminder. |
-50151 |
Reminder date is already past. |
-50152 |
Index already exists. |
-50153 |
Rights already exist. |
-50154 |
Data Class not associated with document. |
-50155 |
Document not locked. |
-50156 |
Invalid process on Rights. |
-50157 |
Pick list is not available for text type. |
-50158 |
Document is already checked out. |
-50159 |
Document is not checked out. |
-50160 |
Full-index population is in progress. |
-50161 |
Lack of Resources. |
-50162 |
Full-text index population has been paused. |
-50163 |
Full-text index population has been resumed. |
-50164 |
Full-text catalog is being deleted or not accessible. |
-50165 |
Incremental population is in progress. |
-50166 |
Full-text catalog is being assembled. |
-50167 |
User already logged in. |
-50168 |
User cannot assign rights. |
-50169 |
Specified Alarm not found. |
-50170 |
Document is deleted or moved. |
-50171 |
Folder is deleted or moved. |
-50172 |
Alias cannot have same name as keyword. |
-50173 |
Limit on number of Folders exceeded. |
-50174 |
Limit on number of Versions exceeded. |
-50175 |
Limit on number of DataClass exceeded. |
-50176 |
Limit on number of Fields exceeded. |
-50177 |
Limit on number of Users exceeded. |
-50178 |
Limit on number of Groups exceeded. |
-50179 |
Address List already exists. |
-50180 |
Address List not exists. |
-50181 |
Table already exists. |
-50182 |
Table does not exist. |
-50183 |
Object has been Finalized. |
-50184 |
Object does not exist. |
-50185 |
Cannot delete DataClass. |