List of JTS Error Codes


Error Code

Error Message


Unknown error.


Cabinet not found.


Insufficient rights for the current operation.


User does not exist.


User not logged in.


User with the specified name has already logged in.


User account has expired.


Invalid User name.


Insufficient rights for the current operation.


User with the same name already exists.


User not alive.


Insufficient privileges for the current operation.


Target User has not sufficient privileges.


Group not found.


Group name already exist.


Insufficient privileges for the current operation.


Group not found.


Folder not found.


Insufficient rights for the current operation.


Properties of the Folder have been finalized.


Reference to the Folder already exists.


Folder is in used.


Insufficient rights for the current operation.


Document not found.


Document order not specified.


Document not found.


Document is in use.


Properties of the Document have been finalized.


Data Class not found.


Data Class associated with the folder.


Data Class associated with the document.


Data Class with the same name already exists.


Insufficient rights for the current operation.


Data Class contains data.


Annotation not found.


Annotation not found.


Some keywords not found.


Some keywords already exist.


Keyword(s) not found.


All keyword indexes do not exist.


All keyword indexes already exist.


Keyword(s) with the same name already exist.


Cannot generate audit trial.


GlobalIndex not found.


GlobalIndex already exist.


GlobalIndex not found.


Invalid Field type.


Invalid Field length.


Field is not associated with Data Class.


Some keywords not exist as alias.


Alias not found.


Invalid action performed.


Primary key attribute is not allowed.


Check rights failed.


Invalid object type.


Create temptable failed.


Page not found.


Invalid privileges for the current operation.


Specified User does not exist.


Insufficient privileges for current operation.


Annotation not found.


Insufficient rights for current operation.


Logged in User cannot perform operation on self.


Specified User has expired.


Specified User is not alive.


Attachment does not exist.


Group has expired.


Cannot move folder.


Cannot move document.


Cannot copy Folder.


Cannot copy document.


Document has been checked out.


Document already exists.


Cannot assign rights to Admin.


Invalid parameters.


Failed to create Version of the document.


Invalid object access type.


Specified Field already associated with Data Class.


User is not Administrator.


Specified User not logged in.


Administrator not logged in.


Data not available.


GlobalIndex associated with Data Class.


Field with the same name already exists.


Supervisor cannot be deleted.


System groups cannot be deleted.


Document has expired.


Owner specified does not exist.


Invalid Flag.


Annotation name not exist.


Annotations with the same name already exist.


Versioning is not allowed for the Document.


Invalid application.


Only Administrator or Owner can change the ownership.


No GlobalIndex associated.


Service already registered on the specified host


Insufficient rights for the current operation.


Folder dynamic table already exist.


Document dynamic table already exist.


Service not registered on the host.


GlobalIndex associated with the Document.


Application already registered.


Application not registered.


Invalid Global or Data flag.


Invalid Folder type.


Only one primary key is allowed with the Data Class.


Invalid Field attribute.


Insufficient privileges for the current operation.


Data Class not found.


One or more field already associated with the Data Class.


Insufficient rights to connect to the Cabinet.


The specified Version of the Document does not exist.


No data found.


Document Version already exists.


User is already a member of the Group.


No field associated with the Data Class.


Insufficient privileges for the current operation.


Properties of System Groups cannot be modified.


Cannot add Folder to the specified location.


System defined properties cannot be changed.


Folder with the same name already exists.


No references exist for the Document.


Reference to the Document already exists.


No references exist for the Folder.


Object with the name already exists.


Cabinet has been locked for Administrative purposes.


Only Administrator or the Owner can unlock.


Invalid Password.


Member of the Group cannot modify privileges of its own Group.


Member of the Group cannot modify rights of its own Group.


User cannot assign rights to himself.


Form name already exist.


Document has been deleted.


Folder has been deleted.


Folder has expired.


Member cannot delete group.


Document reference already exists.


Value already exists.


User not Owner or supervisor.


Expiry date cannot be less than current date.


Member cannot change Group's expiry date.


User not allowed to connect.


Invalid Alarm type.


Invalid Alarm object.


Invalid Alarm action.


Alarm already set.


Invalid session.


Version is in use.


Form not exists.


Reminder is already set.


Invalid date for Reminder.


Reminder date is already past.


Index already exists.


Rights already exist.


Data Class not associated with document.


Document not locked.


Invalid process on Rights.


Pick list is not available for text type.


Document is already checked out.


Document is not checked out.


Full-index population is in progress.


Lack of Resources.


Full-text index population has been paused.


Full-text index population has been resumed.


Full-text catalog is being deleted or not accessible.


Incremental population is in progress.


Full-text catalog is being assembled.


User already logged in.


User cannot assign rights.


Specified Alarm not found.


Document is deleted or moved.


Folder is deleted or moved.


Alias cannot have same name as keyword.


Limit on number of Folders exceeded.


Limit on number of Versions exceeded.


Limit on number of DataClass exceeded.


Limit on number of Fields exceeded.


Limit on number of Users exceeded.


Limit on number of Groups exceeded.


Address List already exists.


Address List not exists.


Table already exists.


Table does not exist.


Object has been Finalized.


Object does not exist.


Cannot delete DataClass.