This call is used to connect to a Cabinet. It takes UserName and UserPassword for verification and returns a UserDBId that is used in all the future calls for that session. This call returns the Property of the Cabinet; all the services registered on the database, and the System Folders (viz. Root Folder, Trash Folder, Inbox Folder and Sent Items Folder).
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Values |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
NGOConnect Cabinet |
N/A |
CabinetName |
Root |
Name of the Cabinet to which User wants to connect. |
N/A |
UserName |
Root |
Name of the User with which you want to connect to the Cabinet. |
N/A |
UserPassword |
Root |
Password of the corresponding UserName with which you want to connect to the Cabinet. |
N/A |
CurrentDateTime |
Root |
Current Date time at which the call is made. |
Current Date Time |
Current Date and Time |
UserExist |
Root |
To check weather the User is already logged in. |
‘Y’,’y’,’N’,’n’ |
Y |
MainGroupIndex |
Root |
Index of the Group, to which the User belongs. |
This parameter is reserved and it can be used with the default value. |
0 |
UserType |
Root |
Type of the User. |
‘U’ - Normal User ‘S’ – Superuser |
U |
Locale |
Root |
Locale of the user |
Locale of the User’s Machine. |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Option |
Root |
Unique Option for a Call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call is successful. |
UserDBId |
Root |
UserDatabase ID that is used for every future call within this database session. |
Cabinet |
Root |
Information between the Cabinet tags is the Properties of the Cabinet. |
CabinetName |
Cabinet |
Name of the Cabinet. |
CabinetType |
Cabinet |
Type of the Cabinet. |
Security Level |
Cabinet |
Level of security for the Cabinet. |
VersionFlag |
Cabinet |
It is a flag that indicates whether AutoVersioning is allowed or not. |
ImageVolumeIndex |
Cabinet |
It indicates the VolumeId of the Cabinet to which the User has connected. |
CreationDateTime |
Cabinet |
Date and Time at which the Cabinet was created. |
FTSDatabasePath |
Cabinet |
The path where the FTS data will be stored. |
CabinetLockFlag |
Cabinet |
Flag that specifies whether the Cabinet is locked or not. |
LoginUserIndex |
Cabinet |
Unique Index of the User, connected to the Cabinet. |
Privileges |
Cabinet |
A seven-bit string specifying the Privileges of the User logged in the system. |
LockByUser |
Cabinet |
Name of the User by whom the Cabinet is locked. |
UserPasswordExpire |
Cabinet |
It is a flag that indicates whether UserPassword is expired or not. |
Folders |
Root |
Information between the Folders tag is the list of folders at root level. Each Folder has its own Properties that are returned with it. Following Folders are returned in this call. Root Folder, Inbox Folder of Supervisor, Sent Item Folder of Supervisor and Trash Folder of the Supervisor. |
Folder |
Folders |
It contains information about folder. |
FolderIndex |
Folder |
It indicates the unique Index of the folder. |
ParentFolderIndex |
Folder |
Index of the Parent Folder. |
NoOfSubFolders |
Folder |
It indicates the number of subfolders of a folder. |
NoOfDocuments |
Folder |
It indicates the number of documents in the folders. |
Owner |
Folder |
It indicates the Owner of the folder. |
OwnerIndex |
Folder |
It indicates the Index of the Owner of the folder. |
CreationDateTime |
Folder |
It indicates the CreationDateTime of the folder. |
RevisedDateTime |
Folder |
Date and time when the folder was last revised. |
AccessDateTime |
Folder |
Date and time when the object was last accessed. |
DeletedDateTime |
Folder |
Date and time when the object was deleted. |
DataDefIndex |
Folder |
Index of the Data Class associated with the Folder. |
ImageVolumeIndex |
Folder |
Image Volume Index associated with the Folder. |
Comment |
Folder |
Comment associated with the Folder |
Folder |
Reserved. |
AccessType |
Folder |
Specifies the scope of accessing the object. |
FolderName |
Folder |
Name of the folder. |
Location |
Folder |
It specifies the location where the object is present. |
ExpiryDateTime |
Folder |
Date and time when the object will expire. |
FolderLock |
Folder |
Flag that specifies whether the folder is locked. |
FinalizedFlag |
Folder |
Flag that specifies whether the object is finalized. |
ACLMoreFlag |
Folder |
Reserved. |
LoginUserRights |
Folder |
Rights of the logged in User on the object. |
FinalizedDateTime |
Folder |
Date and time when the object was finalized. |
VersionFlag |
Folder |
Flag to indicate whether Versioning is allowed or not. |
FolderType |
Folder |
It specifies the type of the Folder. |
Services |
Root |
Information between the Services tag is the list of services that are registered on this Cabinet. For e.g. Image, FTS. Each service is returned within <Service> and </Service>. |
Service |
Services |
It contains information for a particular Service. |
ServiceIndex |
Service |
Index of the service registered on a Cabinet. |
ServiceType |
Service |
Type of the Service registered on the Cabinet for erg Image or FTS. |
HostName |
Service |
Name of the machine from where service is registered. |
DBName |
Service |
It specifies the JTS information used by the service. Its format is A#B#C#D. Where A – DSN used by the service for connecting with database. B – IP Address where JTS is running C – Port at which JTS is running. D – Cabinet Name E.g. panremote# |
Comment |
Service |
Comment associated with the Service. |
Code |
Message |
Comments |
-50127 |
Invalid Password. |
Password specified in the xml is not correct. |
-50006 |
User account has expired. |
User account has expired for the session. |
-50010 |
User not alive. |
User who wants to connect is not alive. |
-50125 |
Cabinet has been locked for Administrative purposes. |
Cabinet is Locked by some other application. |
-50110 |
Insufficient Rights to connect to the Cabinet. |
User has no Rights to access the Cabinet. User should atleast have Read Right on the Cabinet. |
-50141 |
User not allowed to connect. |
User cannot connect to the Cabinet, because User with same Host Name and Connection Id already exist in Cabinet. |
-50003 |
User does not exist |
User Name with which, connection is requested does not exist in the System. |