This call can be used to copy single or multiple documents from one folder to another. User can also specify whether the Data Class information associated with the document has to be copied. All the versions of each documents are also copied.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Values |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
NGOCopy DocumentExt |
N/A |
CabinetName |
Root |
Name of the Cabinet to which the User wants to connect. |
The name of the Cabinet. |
N/A |
UserDBId |
Root |
UserDatabase ID, which is returned in the NGOConnect Cabinet call. |
N/A |
DestFolderIndex |
Root |
Folder Index of the destination folder to which the documents have to be copied. |
Integer >=0 |
N/A |
NameLength |
Root |
The maximum length of the Document Name supported by JTS is 255 characters but if the User wishes that the maximum length of the document to be copied is lesser than 255 characters, then it can be specified in this tag. If the Document Name is larger than the specified NameLength, then it is truncated to the specified length. |
Integer >=0 |
CurrentDateTime |
Root |
The Date and Time at which the documents are being copied. |
Valid Date in the format- yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss |
The current Date and Time. |
DataAlsoFlag |
Root |
Signifies whether the Data Class values are also to be copied as with document. |
Y Yes N No |
N |
DuplicateName |
Root |
This flag indicates whether a new name is to be generated for the given document. Y Yes N No. |
Y or N |
Y |
VersionsAlso |
Root |
This flag indicates whether a new version of the given document is to be created or not. Y Yes N No. |
Y or N |
Y |
Documents |
Root |
Contains information about the documents to be copied. |
Document |
Documents |
Contains information about the documents to be copied. |
DocumentIndex |
Document |
Document Index of the document being copied. |
Integer >=0 |
N/A |
ParentFolderIndex |
Document |
Folder Index of the folder where the specified document is stored. |
Integer >=0 |
N/A |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If the Status is 0, then the call is successful. |
Documents |
Root |
Contains information about the documents that have been copied. |
Document |
Documents |
Contains information about the document to be copied. |
DocumentIndex |
Document |
Document Index of the document being copied. |
ParentFolderIndex |
Document |
Folder Index of the folder where the specified document is stored. |
DocumentVersionNo |
Document |
The Version Number of the document that has been copied (Current Version). |
DocumentName |
Document |
The name of the document that has been copied. |
VersionFlag |
Document |
Signifies whether the Versions of the copied document exist or not. Y Yes, N No |
AccessType |
Document |
Type of Access on the copied document. P Private, S Shared, I Inherited |
DocumentType |
Document |
Type of the copied document. I Image, N Non image, X First view |
CreatedByAppName |
Document |
The extension of the copied document. |
ISIndex |
Document |
The Image and Volume Index of the copied document on the Image Server. |
DocumentSize |
Document |
Size of the document copied in bytes. |
DocOrderNo |
Document |
Order in which the document was added to the folder. |
Comment |
Document |
Comments that were added to the copied document while adding or changing its Properties. |
FTSFlag |
Document |
This two character flag indicates whether the contents and annotations of the copied document have been extracted and Indexed. The first flag is for the document and the second flag is for Annotation. P Pending F Extraction Failed T Extracted N Not to be Ftsed |
DocStatus |
Document |
The Status of the document. A Added, R - Read |
CreationDateTime |
Document |
Date and Time when the document is created. |
RevisedDateTime |
Document |
Time of revision of the Document Property. |
AccessDateTime |
Document |
Date and Time when the document is accessed. |
CreatedByApp |
Document |
Reserved for internal use. |
NoOfPages |
Document |
Number of pages in the document. |
FTSDocumentIndex |
Document |
Reserved for internal use. |
ODMADocumentIndex |
Document |
Reserved for internal use. |
EnableLog |
Document |
Flag that specifies whether Log is to be generated for the object. Y Log is generated. N Log not generated. |
DocumentLock |
Document |
Flag that specifies whether any User has locked the Object. Y Object is locked. N Object is not locked. |
Author |
Document |
Name of the Author of the Document. |
TextIsIndex |
Document |
Reserved for Internal use. |
ExpiryDateTime |
Document |
Date and Time when the Document Expires. |
FinalizedFlag |
Document |
Flag that specifies whether the object is finalized. Y- Object is finalized. N Object is not finalized. |
FinalizedDateTime |
Document |
Date and Time when the object was finalized. |
CheckOutStatus |
Document |
Flag that specifies the checked out status of the document. Y Document is checked out. N Document is not checked out. |
Document |
String comprising the Rights of Users / Groups on the current document. |
ACLMoreFlag |
Document |
Reserved |
PullPrintFlag |
Document |
Reserved for internal use. |
ThumbNailFlag |
Document |
Indicates whether Thumbnail generation has been completed or not. Y Yes N No. |
FailedDocuments |
Root |
Contains the information about the documents that could not be copied. |
FailedDocument |
Failed Documents |
Contains the information about the document that could not be copied. |
DocumentIndex |
Failed Document |
Document Index of the document that could not be copied. |
Status |
Failed Document |
Contains the Error code that is returned when the copy operation of the document failed. |
Code |
Message |
Comments |
-50074 |
Invalid parameters. |
This error occurs if the list of documents to be copied is not supplied. |
-50017 |
Folder not found. |
The folder to which documents are being copied does not exist. |
-50021 |
Folder is in use. |
Some User other than the logged in User locks the folder to which the documents are being copied. |
-50019 |
Properties of the Folder have been finalized. |
The folder, to which the documents are being copied to, has been finalized. |
-50076 |
Invalid object access type. |
This error occurs while the Rights of the logged in User on the destination Folder, documents to be copied and the Annotations of the documents are checked. |
Warnings returned from call
Code |
Message |
Comments |
50014 |
Not all Documents Copied. |
Some of the Documents could not be copied. |
Codes returned in the form of status code
Code |
Message |
Comments |
-50023 |
Document not found. |
Document to be copied does not exists. |
-50170 |
Document is deleted or moved. |
Document to be copied has been deleted or moved to some other folder. |
-50132 |
Document has been deleted. |
Document to be copied has been deleted. This exception is thrown when the document is in Users Trash. |
-50070 |
Cannot copy document. |
Document could not be copied because either the source folder or the destination folder Type is improper. |
-50022 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
Document could not be copied since the logged in User does not have sufficient Rights on the document. |
-50018 |
Insufficient rights for the current operation. |
Insufficient Rights on the target folder. User must have Write Rights on the folder. |
50008 |
Cannot copyDDI |
Could not copy Data Definition associated with the document. |