This call fetches all the alarms set for a given object. The logged-in user must have sufficient rights on the given object. If this is the case, all the alarms are returned along with their properties.
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Values |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call |
NGOGetAlarms |
N/A |
CabinetName |
Root |
Name of the cabinet to which the User wants to connect. |
N/A |
UserDBId |
Root |
UserDatabase ID, which is returned in the NGOConnectCabinet call. |
N/A |
UserIndex |
Root |
Index of the user who wants to retrieve all the set alarms for a given object. |
Integer > 0 |
Document Type |
Root |
Type of document for which the alarms are to be retrieved. |
I – Image N – Non Image A – Reserved |
ObjectType |
Root |
Object type for which alarms are to be retrieved. F – Folder D – Document B – Both (document and folder) |
D - Document F - Folder B – Both (document and folder) |
D |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Option |
Root |
NGOGetAlarms |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If the Status is 0, then the call is successful. |
Alarms |
Root |
A List of Alarms, starting from the Root, is returned between <Alarms> and </Alarms> tags. |
Alarm |
Alarms |
Information about the Alarms is returned between the <Alarm> and </Alarm> tags. |
Alar |
Alarm |
Unique Index of the Alarm. |
AlarmType |
Alarm |
It indicates the Type of Alarm i.e. User Level Alarm or System Level Alarm. |
ObjectType |
Alarm |
It indicates document or folder. |
ObjectId |
Alarm |
The Index of the object ex can be document, folder. |
ActionType |
Alarm |
It indicates the type of action performed on object. |
AlarmGenerated |
Alarm |
It is a flag to indicate whether Alarm is generated or not. |
AlarmDateTime |
Alarm |
Date and Time for which the Alarm was set. |
UserName |
Alarm |
Name of the User for whom the Alarm has been set. |
ObjectName |
Alarm |
It indicates the name of the object. |
SetByUser |
Alarm |
The index of the User who has set the Alarm. |
SetForUser |
Alarm |
User for whom the alarm has been set. |
InformMode |
Alarm |
Reserved for internal use. |
NoOfPages |
Alarm |
It indicates the no of pages of the document. |
DocumentType |
Alarm |
It indicates the type of the document. |
CreatedByAppName |
Alarm |
It indicates the extension of the document. |
ISIndex |
Alarm |
Specifies a unique Combination of Image Index and Volume Index for a document stored on Image server separated by #. |
VersionNo |
Alarm |
Version number of the document. |
DocumentSize |
Alarm |
It specifies the size of the document in bytes. |
Comment |
Alarm |
Comments associated with the object. |
Code |
Message |
Comments |
-50146 |
Invalid session. |
The specified UserDBId is incorrect. |
-50006 |
User account has expired. |
The account of the user has expired. |
-50010 |
User not alive. |
The user is not alive. |
-50125 |
Cabinet has been locked for Administrative purposes. |
The cabinet has been locked by some other user for Administrative purposes. |
-50058 |
Specified user does not exist. |
The specified user does not exist. |
-50063 |
Specified user has expired. |
The user’s account has expired. |
-50064 |
Specified user is not alive. |
The user is not alive. |
-50054 |
Invalid object type. |
The object type specified is invalid. |
-50076 |
Invalid object access type. |
The user has insufficient rights on the given object. |