This call is used to get the list of all the GlobalIndexes available in the Cabinet. The GlobalIndex Lists can also be fetched in batches. User has to specify StartFrom and NoOfRecordsToBeFetched. The call returns the total number of GlobalIndexes in the System and the number of GlobalIndexes fetched in the current batch.
You can specify the IndexFlag to get the GlobalIndexes for that particular scope (i.e., ‘G’ Global or ‘D’ Data type).
You can specify the IndexType to get the GlobalIndexes for that particular type (i.e., Integer, Boolean, Date, Float, Long, String, Text, X (docid), *(all)).
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Valid Values |
Default Values |
Option |
Root |
Unique option for the call. |
NGOGet GlobalIndex List |
CabinetName |
Root |
Name of the Cabinet to which the User wants to connect. |
UserDBId |
Root |
UserDatabase ID that is returned in the NGOConnect Cabinet call. |
IndexFlag |
Root |
GlobalIndexes for that particular scope (i.e., ‘G’ Global or ‘D’ Data type). |
‘G’ Global, ‘D’ Data type, *(all). |
*(all). |
IndexType |
Root |
GlobalIndexes for that particular type. |
Integer, Boolean, Date, Float, Long, String, Text, X (docid), *(all)) |
*(all). |
StartPos |
Root |
It is an integer that specifies the number from where the records have to be fetched from the Result. |
Integer>=0 |
1 |
NoOfRecordsTo Fetch
Root |
It is an integer that specifies the number of records to be fetched in a batch. |
Integer>0 |
Batch Size set at server end |
Name |
Parent Tag |
Description |
Option |
Root |
Unique Option for the Call. |
Status |
Root |
Status of the call. If it is 0, then the call is successful. |
NoOfRecordsFetched |
Root |
Number of records fetched in the current batch. |
TotalNoOfRecords |
Root |
Used for getting Global Index List in batches. The value for the TotalNoOfRecords fetched in output will be one greater than the NoOfRecordsFetched; if more Records exist in the database otherwise both the values will be same. |
GlobalIndexes |
Root |
It is an outer tag that contains information about the Global Indexes. |
Field |
GlobalIndexes |
It is an outer tag that contains the information related to a particular field using different tags. |
IndexId |
Field |
Index of the Data Field. |
IndexName |
Field |
Name of the Data Field. |
IndexType |
Field |
Type of
the Data Field. I – Integer Type T – Text Type S – String Type L – Long Type D – Date Type B – Boolean Type F – Float Type X – Document Index |
IndexLength |
Field |
Length of the field in the given Class. |
IndexFlag |
Field |
Specifies whether the given Index is Global or specific to the Data Class. G – Global D – Data Class specific |
IndexValue |
Field |
Value of the field. |
Code |
Message |
Comments |
-50046 |
Invalid Field type. |
Field type is not a valid field type. |
-50074 |
Invalid parameters. |
Some of
the parameters entered in the
input are incorrect. This exception IndexFlag is value other th |