OmniDocs Configuration Assistant


OmniDocs uses two servers for its operations namely the Java Transaction Server (JTS) and the Storage Management Server (SMS). These two have been developed in Java. Therefore, these two servers can operate on Linux systems also. The OmniDocs Configuration Assistant is a UI based Client that has been developed to administer these two servers remotely. The SMS and the JTS have been developed as services that would start when the machine is booted. These servers listen on two ports: the Admin Port and the Client ports (for the omnidocs client requests). The Admin client would manage these two servers by connecting to the Admin Port.

Key Features


The admin client would allow the following features:


Monitoring the SMS:


The following operations are possible on the SMS:


1.       Starting the SMS server.

2.       Stopping the SMS server.

3.       Changing the server port.

4.       Adding a Label to the SMS.

5.       Removing an existing Label.

6.       Changing a label’s property (changing the path associated with a label).

7.       Disconnecting specified clients.


Monitoring the JTS:


The following operations are possible on the JTS:


1.       Starting the JTS server.

2.       Stopping the JTS server.

3.       Changing the server port, socket timeout, Batch size.

4.       Creating a new cabinet.

5.       Associating a cabinet to an existing database.

6.       Disassociating an existing cabinet.

7.       Changing a cabinet’s property.

8.       Deleting a cabinet.

9.       Compiling the stored procedures.

10.    Testing an existing cabinet.

11.    Creating new category.

12.    Moving transactions among categories.

13.    Deleting an empty category.

14.    Freeing locks on documents, folders etc

15.   Freeing client connections.


Limitation: The views that would be represented on the admin client would not be refreshed automatically. For refreshing, the user would have to press the refresh button.



Steps for configuring Omnidocs Engine


The OmniDocs Configuration Assistant can perform any operation only if a Server is registered with it. The first thing the user wants to do is to create a Cabinet. But for creating a new Cabinet, an OmniDocs Transaction server must first be registered to the Configuration Assistant and then the Configuration Assistant must get connected to this Server. After connecting, the Server must be managed to perform operations other than Start/Stop. And, finally to work on the Cabinet thus created, it must be associated with the JTS. In a nutshell, the following steps must be followed:

1.       Register an OmniDocs Transaction Server (JTS).

2.       Connecting to the Server.

3.       Managing the Server

4.       Creating a Cabinet.

5.       Associating the Cabinet.


Register an OmniDocs Transaction Server (JTS)


Firstly, login into the Configuration Assistant with Administrator user. For registering a Transaction server (JTS), follow these steps:


1.       Click the Register button.

The Register New Server dialog box is invoked.



2.       Select the Server type to be registered from the Server Type drop down list as JTS.

3.       Specify the IP address of the server in IP Address.

4.       Specify the Admin Port in Admin Port.


The server thus registered is now displayed in the list and is in a disconnected state. For performing further operations, the Configuration Assistant must first connect to the Server.


Connecting to the Server


1.       Select the server that needs to be connected to.

2.       Click Connect button.


If the Server is running at the specified IP and Port, the Configuration Assistant connects with the selected server. Once the Configuration Assistant is connected with the Server, the start / stop operations can be performed on that specific server from the server window.


Managing the server


To perform operations other than Start/Stop, the Server needs to be managed on the Configuration Assistant. For managing a Server, perform the following steps:


1.       Select the connected server from the list of registered servers.

2.       Click Manage button.

3.       An entry of the connected server along with its IP Address is displayed in the Servers tree.



Creating a Cabinet


The Cabinet creation is possible when the Server is stopped. Hence, firstly the Server must be stopped by clicking the Stop button. The Database Cabinet can be on MSSQL, Oracle, Postgres or MSDE. Upon clicking the Create button, the Create Cabinet dialog box is invoked.


For MSSQL database cabinet


The following screen appears in order to create a Cabinet on SQL Server.



CabinetType                         Type of Cabinet - Document Cabinet, Image Cabinet or Both.

Enable FTS                           Flag to enable or disable Full Text Search on the Cabinet.

Device Size                          Size of the Database in MB.

Log Size                                Size of the log file that is generated.

Cabinet Name                      Name of the new Cabinet.

Server Name                       Name of the Server machine where the Cabinet has to be created.

User Name                           Name of the User for connecting to SQL Server.

Password                             Password of the User for connecting to SQL Server.

Database Path                    Path to the Dat file where data is stored.

CD Key                                   CD Key for restricting the number of users in the Cabinet.

Auto Versioning Indicates Auto Versioning for the Cabinet. If AutoVersioning is not specified explicitly for a document, it is inherited from the Parent Folder and so on in the hierarchy and the top-level Folder inherits it from the Cabinet. AutoVersioning ‘Yes’ for a document implies that whenever the document is Checked In or Annotations are added / modified / deleted or image of document is changed, then a new Version of the document is created automatically.  AutoVersioning ‘No’ for a document implies that creation of a new Version is done only when an explicit call is made.


Recommended Auto Versioning is ‘Yes’.


Security Level - Security Level of the Cabinet. Its various options are:


§        Full Access - Full Rights on the Cabinet.

§Cabinet Access  - Cabinet Level Security that is, a User who has Rights on Cabinet has similar Rights on all objects.

§Document Access -  Object Level Security. Rights validation on each Object is done. User can be granted Rights on documents, folders, etc and Rights validation is done to ensure that the User has required Rights before he can perform any operation on the Object.


For Oracle database cabinet


The following screen appears in order to create a Cabinet on Oracle Server.



CabinetType                         Type of Cabinet - Document Cabinet, Image Cabinet or Both.

Enable FTS                           Flag to enable or disable Full Text Search on the Cabinet.

Service Name                      Name of the service for connecting to the Database.

Port                                        Port on which Oracle Service Listener is running.

Cabinet Name                      Name of the new Cabinet.

Server Name                       Name of the Server machine where the Cabinet has to be created.

User Name                           Name of the User for connecting to SQL Server.

Password                             Password of the User for connecting to SQL Server.

Database Path                    Path to the Ora file where data is stored.

CD Key                                   CD Key for restricting the number of users in the Cabinet.

Auto Versioning Indicates Auto Versioning for the Cabinet. If AutoVersioning is not specified explicitly for a document, it is inherited from the Parent Folder and so on in the hierarchy and the top-level Folder inherits it from the Cabinet. AutoVersioning ‘Yes’ for a document implies that whenever the document is Checked In or Annotations are added / modified / deleted or image of document is changed, then a new Version of the document is created automatically.  AutoVersioning ‘No’ for a document implies that creation of a new Version is done only when an explicit call is made.


Recommended Auto Versioning is ‘Yes’.

Security Level - Security Level of the Cabinet. Its various options are:


§        Full Access - Full Rights on the Cabinet.

§Cabinet Access  - Cabinet Level Security that is, a User who has Rights on Cabinet has similar Rights on all objects.

§Document Access -  Object Level Security. Rights validation on each Object is done. User can be granted Rights on documents, folders, etc and Rights validation is done to ensure that the User has required Rights before he can perform any operation on the Object.


Associating the Cabinet


After a new Cabinet has successfully been created, it must be associated with the JTS. To associate the Cabinet, follow these steps:


1.       Click Associate button.

The Associate a Cabinet dialog box is invoked. This dialog box has 3 tabs - the Database, Cabinet properties, and the Connection tab.


Database tab


§         Click the Database tab.

§         Select the required database type from the options available.



Cabinet properties tab


The following properties of the Cabinet that is to be associated must be specified.


Cabinet Name                Name of the Cabinet which is to be associated.

Map This Cabinet To          Database type to which the Cabinet is to be mapped.

Computer Name                 Name of the machine where the Cabinet has been created.

Login Name                          Name of the User accessing the Cabinet.

Password                             Password for the specified user.




Connection tab


JTS perform connection Pooling for database connections in order to have optimum utilization of resources. This step specifies parameters for connection pooling.



Maximum connection       Maximum number of connections that the JTS should maintain with the database.

Minimum connection         Minimum number of connections that the JTS should maintain with the database.

Query timeout                     Timeout for query. If any query is not executed within the Specified time, then database will result in Query Timeout.


Changing JTS Server Properties


To edit the properties of the JTS server, click the Edit button. Edit is a toggle button and changes to Update upon clicking.



The editable fields are the Server Port, Transaction Type, Connection log, Socket Timeout and the Batch Size.


Server Port                          The port at which the JTS would listen to the OmniDocs client’s request.

Socket Timeout                  The time after which the OmniDocs Client would be timed out.

Batch Size            The maximum number of records that have to be fetched for a request.

Log         The server properties can be changed corresponding to Transaction and Connection.


Click Update button to save the changes made as shown below.



Disassociating cabinet


To disassociate a cabinet


1.       Select the cabinet that needs to be disassociated from the list.

2.       Click Disassociate button.


A message box is invoked prompting whether you want to remove the association with the selected cabinet.



Click Yes to dissociate the selected cabinet from the JTS. Click No to cancel the disassociation process.


Upgrading cabinet


Upgrading a cabinet implies:


§         Executing an SQL statement (other than those which return a result set) on a cabinet. This may be a DDL or a DML (which includes updates, deletion etc).

§         Any number of queries can be simultaneously executed in a file. An important thing to note is that all the SQL statements must end with a semi-colon (‘ ;’)

§         Stored procedures can also be compiled on a cabinet.


To upgrade the selected cabinet


1.       Select the cabinet that needs to be upgraded.

2.       Click Upgrade button.


The following message box is invoked,



3.       Click Script to compile a script.


The Select the script dialog box is invoked,



a.       Select the required path where the script is located, from the Look in drop down list.

b.       The list of all the files with extension JTS is displayed.

c.        Name of the selected file is displayed in the File Name, you can also specify the file name in File Name.

d.       Select the type of file from the Files of type drop down list.

e.       Click Select to execute the required script.

f.         Click Cancel to close the dialog box.


4.       Click Compile from the Select Operation message box.

The Compiled Stored Procedures dialog box is invoked



a.       The Compiled Calls displays the list of all the compiled procedures of the selected cabinet.


To recompile the procedures:


a.       Select the required procedure and click >, the procedure is added in the Calls to Compile list.

b.       To recompile all the calls, click >>. The list is added in Calls to Compile.



To move the calls from the Calls to Compile list to the Compiled Calls list,


a.       Select the call that does not need to be compiled, from the Calls to Compile list.

b.       Click <, the selected call is transferred in the Complied Calls list.

c.        To move all the calls from the Calls to Compile list to the Compiled Calls list, click <<.

d.       Click OK to the recompile the calls in the Calls to Compile list.

e.       Click Cancel to close the dialog box.


Testing the cabinet


Testing the cabinet implies checking the validity of the JTS’s Database Connection. Click Test button. A message box is invoked displaying the successful connection test of the connected cabinet.



Deleting cabinet


To delete selected database, click Delete button. A message box is invoked prompting whether you want to delete the selected cabinet.


Click Yes to proceed with the deletion of the selected cabinet. Click No to cancel the Cabinet deletion.



Other Functions of the Configuration Assistant


Lock operation


The lock view displays all the locks that have been applied on objects (folders, documents, forms and versions) by the users of the specified cabinet.


To view the locks of the cabinet:,


1.       Select the Locks node form the tree.

2.       Select the required type of cabinet from the Cabinet drop down list.

3.       Specify the password for logging, in Password. The login password is same as the cabinet’s supervisor password.

4.       Click OK to view the locks of the selected cabinet.



5.       Select the Folders option to view the locks associated with the folder.

6.       Select the Documents option to view the locks associated with the document.

7.       Select the Forms option to view the locks associated with the forms.

8.       Select the Version option to view the locks associated with the Versions.


User operations


To view the users:


1.       Select Users node from the tree.

2.       Select the required type of cabinet whose login users are required from the Cabinet drop down list.

3.       Specify the cabinet’s supervisor password in Password.

4.       Click OK to proceed.

5.       The list of users connected to the specified cabinet is displayed.



6.       Select the users that need to be disconnected.

7.       Click Select All to select all the users connected with the cabinet.

8.       Click Free to disconnect the selected users from the cabinet.

9.       Click Refresh to refresh the screen.


Transaction Pool


Only the System user can perform the Transaction pool operations. These operations involve creating categories, moving JTS transactions among the categories and deleting the categories.

There are two ways of logging to the OmniDocs Configuration Assistant. They are:


1.       The Supervisor

2.       The System


The Supervisor can perform all the functionalities as discussed above. The System user can perform two additional functionalities, as it is discussed below.


Logging through System


To login through System


1.       Select the username from the UserName drop down list.

2.       Specify the password in the Password.



3.       Click OK to connect.

4.       Click Cancel to close the Login dialog box.


The working of the Admin while logging through System is same as that of while logging through Administrator except for a few changes that are discussed below,



1.       Click the Transaction Pool tab.

The Transaction Pool displays the list of JTS transactions and their associated categories. Various operations can be performed such as,

§          The user can add categories,

§          The user can move selected transactions among the categories,

§          The user can delete empty categories.

2.       Select the required category from the Category drop down list to view the transactions associated with that category.

3.       The Expiry Timeout displays the expiry timeout for the selected category.

4.       The Minobjects displays the minimum objects for the selected category.

5.       The Transaction Limit displays the transaction limit for the selected category.


Compiling non-compiled procedures


Only the System can perform this operation. The Supervisor is not allowed to view the missed calls.The user can view procedures, which have not been compiled in the Compiled Stored Procedures dialog box, and can compile the compiled and non-compiled procedures.



Un-registering server


To un-register the selected server from Configuration Assistant, a message box is invoked prompting whether you wish to un-register the selected server.



Click Yes to un-register the server. Click No to avoid the un-registering process.


SMS Server Operations


To perform the server operations


§         For performing operations other than the Start / Stop, the server has to be first managed.

§         Select SMS server from the Server node in the tree.



Server information such as the SMS IP, SMS Port, Admin Port and the Label Information are displayed.


Stopping SMS


To stop the SMS Server, Click the Stop button. Once the server is stopped operations like Change Server Property, Remove Label and Change Label Property can be performed.


Starting SMS


To start the SMS Server, Click the Start button.


Disconnecting SMS


To disconnect from the SMS Server, Click the Disconnect button. A message box is invoked prompting whether you wish to disconnect from the SMS server.



Click Yes to disconnect from the connected server. Click No to avoid the disconnection process.


Adding label


To add a label, Click the Add button. The Add a Label dialog box is invoked. Fill in appropriate values in the following fields:



Location of Media                               Location where the label has to be created.

SMS Volume Label Name                 Name of the label.


Check the option Create Directory to create the directory under the specified location.

If the SMS server is running then you can only add a label.

If the SMS server is not running then you can,

§         Add a label.

§         Remove a label.

§         Change the label path.


Removing label

To remove the label


1.       Select the label that needs to be removed from the list.

2.       Click Remove.


A message box is invoked prompting whether you want to remove the selected label from the list.



Click Yes to remove the selected label from the list. Click No to avoid the removing the selected label from the list.


Changing label property


To change the label,


1.       Select the required label, which needs to be changed from the list.

2.       Click Change.


The Set Label Property dialog box is invoked.



The only editable field is the Location of Media, which displays the location where the specific label is located. Click OK to close the Set Label Property dialog box while saving the changes made else click Cancel.


Changing Server Properties


The server properties such as SMS Port can be changed. Server Port signifies the port at which the SMS listens to the OmniDocs client’s request.

1.       Click Edit to change the SMS Port. The Edit is a toggle button, which changes to Update.

2.       Enter the new value for the SMS Port and click Update.

The changes thus made are reflected.