Package Listing


Package: com.newgen.dmsapi

This package includes three classes i.e. XmlGenerator, CallBroker and XmlParser.


Class Name: com.newgen.dmsapi.DMSInputXml

Class Modifier: public class DMSInputXml

Description: This class is used to generate inputXML for communication with Java Transaction Server. It contains functions corresponding to all available calls.


Class Name: com.newgen.dmsapi.DMSCallBroker

Class Modifier: public class DMSCallBroker

Description: This class interfaces with Java Transaction Server and returns the server response.


Class Name: com.newgen.dmsapi.DMSXmlResponse

Class Modifier: public class DMSXmlResponse

Description: OmniDocs API provides an inbuilt parser for parsing the outputXML. DMSXmlResponse class serves this purpose. Functions of this class can be invoked to retrieve tag values.


Class Name: com.newgen.dmsapi.DMSXmlList

Class Modifier: public class DMSXmlList

Description: OmniDocs API eases XML parsing by providing another class to retrieve data from complex outputXMLs.


Package: ISPack

The classes in this package interface with Image server.


ClassName: ISPack. CPISVolumeTxn

Class Modifier: public class CPISVolumeTxn implements JPISErrors, JPISConstants

Description: CPISVolumeTxn class provides API for volume management .


ClassName: ISPack. CPISDocumentTxn

Class Modifier: public class CPISDocumentTxn implements JPISErrors, JPISConstants

Description: CPISDocumentTxn class provides API for actual document data storage and retrieval for viewing.


ClassName: ISPack. ISUtil. JPDBRecoverDocData

Class Modifier: public class JPDBRecoverDocData

Description: This class is used to transfer relevant document information to file server.


ClassName: ISPack. ISUtil. JPISIsIndex

Class Modifier: public class JPISIsIndex

Description: This class stores the combination of imageindex and volumeindex of the document.

Member variables:


                public short   m_sVolumeId

                Volume index of the document.



                public short   m_nDocIndex

                image index of the document.


Package: Jdts

This package consists of supporting classes for Image server.


ClassName: Jdts.excp.JPISException

Class Modifier: public class JPISException     extends Exception

Description: An exception class .build as a wrapper to throw custom messages.


ClassName: Jdts.DataObject.JPDBInteger

Class Modifier: public class JPDBInteger

Description: A wrapper  class built to enable passing of Integer values by reference to the invoked function.

Member Variables

            public int value


ClassName: Jdts.DataObject.JPDBString

Class Modifier: public class JPDBString

Description: A wrapper  class built to enable passing of String values by reference to the invoked function.

Member Variables

           public int value


ClassName: Jdts.DataObject.JPDBShort

Class Modifier: public class JPDBShort

Description: A wrapper  class built to enable passing of Short values by reference to the invoked function.

Member Variables

           public int value