After you have created the map areas (or regions), use the settings in the region Properties group box to assign URLs, alternate text, and targets.
Viewing a Preview:
Click the Preview button to view your work in a Web browser
To assign map area properties:
Make a map area active by clicking inside it with the Pan or Move tool. Its boundaries are displayed in the lower portion of the Cell Properties group box.
In the URL box, either type the address of the Web page that you want to link to (example: http//, or select an address from the drop-down list. If you do not want to link to a Web page, type #.
Note: The addresses that you type in the URL drop-down box are remembered by the program.
In the Alt text box, type the text that displays if image doesn't load or if the user has images disabled in their Web browser. This text also appears as a ToolTip in some versions of Internet Explorer.
In the Target box, select the target frame in which to open the linked page:
_blank Loads the linked page in a new browser window.
_parent Loads the linked page in the parent frameset of the link. If the link is not in a nested frame, the image loads in the full browser window.
_self Loads the linked page in the same frame as the link.
_top Loads the linked page in the full browser window and removes all frames.
To assign a rollover to a map area, click the Rollover Creator button, see Creating Image Rollovers.
Saving and Load the Map Settings
Previewing images in a Web Browser