GIF Optimizer Partial Transparency Tab

A GIF file cannot contain partially transparent pixels. All pixels must be either transparent or opaque (visible). Original images may contain partially transparent pixels if the image does not have a background layer, and you have reduced the opacity of a layer, added a mask, feathered a selection, or used a brush at a reduced opacity setting. Use the options in the Partial Transparency tab to determine whether the partially transparent pixels become transparent or opaque, and whether they are blended with another color. If you chose the None option in the Transparency tab, the options in this tab are unavailable.

  1. To determine how Paint Shop Pro represents partially transparent pixels, choose from these options:

  2. Use Full Transparency for Pixels Below x% Opacity Pixels below the opacity value you enter become transparent. Pixels above the opacity value become opaque. As you lower the value, you reduce the number of transparent pixels.

  3. Use a 50% Dither Pattern Paint Shop Pro makes partially transparent pixels opaque using either the color chosen for blending or the image color (depending on the blending option), then applies a 50% dither pattern to make colors look more natural.

  4. Use Error Diffusion Dither Paint Shop Pro makes partially transparent pixels opaque using either the color chosen for blending or the image color (depending on the blending option), then applies an error diffusion dither to make colors look more natural.

  1. To determine how partially transparent pixels are blended, choose one of these options:

  2. Yes Blends the partially transparent pixels with the color in the Blend color box. To choose a new color, click in the color box to choose from the Color dialog. Partially transparent pixels below the value you entered above are blended with this color.

  3. No Uses the existing image color at 100% opacity.

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Optimizing GIF Files

Saving Images for the Web

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