PNG Optimizer Colors Tab

Use this tab to select a color depth for your PNG image and, for paletted images, the method of color reduction, number of colors, and amount of dithering.

  1. Select the image type to determine whether the saved image is Palette-Based (256 colors or less), Greyscale (8-bit), or 16 million color (24-bit). Remember that a 24-bit image is larger and takes more time to download than an 8-bit image. If you want to use the Alpha Transparency option (on the Transparency tab) with your image, you must choose either the Greyscale or 24-bit color option. Paletted images cannot display alpha transparency.

Note: When you choose to create a Palette-Based image, the other options on this tab become available.

  1. Choose how many colors you want the image to contain. As mentioned, a paletted image contains 256 or fewer colors. As you remove colors, the size of the file decreases, but so does the quality of the image. Use the preview windows to help you determine how small you can make the image without compromising quality.

  2. Choose how much dithering you want in the image. This refers to the way the program arranges pixels to compensate for missing colors in the adjacent pixels. Use the preview windows to help you determine the best setting.

  3. Select a method of color selection to determine how Paint Shop Pro reduces the number of colors in the image:

  4. Select Existing Palette if your image is paletted and you want to use its palette.

  5. Select Standard/Web-safe if your image will be used on the Web.

  6. Select Optimized Median Cut if you need to reduce the image to only a few colors.

  7. Select Optimized Octree if your original image contains only a few colors.

Note: Depending on your needs, try both “Optimized” options and select the one that produces the better-looking image or the smaller file size.

  1. In the Options group box, mark Boost selected colors to give selected colors more weight by a factor of the value you enter. Use this if you have made a selection in the image and you want its colors stand out from the rest of the image. After marking the check box, and set the value to determine the amount of color boosting. Mark the Include Windows’ colors check box to include the 16 standard Windows colors in the palette. If the image will be used on the Web, mark this check box.

Related Topics

Optimizing PNG Files

Saving Images for the Web

Embedding a Digital Watermark

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