More Deform Options

You can precisely control many of the deform settings. The following options appear on the Deform tool’s Tool Options palette:

Pivot X, Pivot Y Sets the X and Y coordinates of the rotation pivot point.

Position X, Position Y Sets the X and Y coordinates of the top left corner handle.

Scale X(%), Scale Y(%) Sets the percentage change for the horizontal (X) and vertical (Y) resize. To resize a floating selection or layer and keep the same proportions, select the Deform tool and right-click and drag a corner handle of the bounding box.

Shear The offset of a side. Enter positive values to shear to the right and negative values to shear to the left. At 0.5, a side shears 50% of its length.

Angle The rotation around the pivot point. The image rotates clock-wise from 0 to 360 degrees.

Reset Rectangle Resets the deformation rectangle to its original shape but keeps any current deformations.

Perspective X, Perspective Y The best way to create and adjust perspective is by dragging the control handles. When you create a perspective effect with the control handles, you are manipulating many variables. Changing the values in the Perspective fields may affect the scale, shear, and position values.