Saving Image Files

Paint Shop Pro has a native .PspImage format that supports layers, alpha channels, and other features you use to create images. You will find it convenient to save an image in this format while you are working on it and then convert it to a different format after you have finished.

Always save a .PspImage version of your file: To be able to use all Paint Shop Pro features, we recommend you save and edit your files in .PspImage format with a color depth of 16 million colors. You can then use the Save As or Export command to save a copy of the file in the desired output format. Your original image stays intact in case you need to make changes to it later.

For more information, see:

Using AutoSave

Compressing .PspImage Files

Saving an Image

Saving a New Image File

Saving an Image File in its Original Format

Saving an Image File in a New File Format

Saving a Copy of an Image

Related Topics

Capturing Images from a Computer Screen

Setting Screen Capture Options

Creating Images

Importing Images from Digital Cameras and Scanners

Using the Paint Shop Pro Browser