Scanning printed images can produce undesirable patterns called Moiré patterns. Other patterns may come from scanning photographs printed on textured paper. Paint Shop Pro’s Moiré Pattern Removal command removes these patterns from your images. You can apply the command to a selection or an entire layer.
To remove moiré patterns:
Choose Adjust > Add/Remove Noise > Moiré Pattern Removal.
Magnify the image in the preview window until you can see the fine patterns clearly.
For Fine details, select a value to remove fine patterns. Change the value one number at a time until the pattern just disappears. Higher values may blur the image, so use the lowest value that removes the pattern.
Reduce the image magnification until you can see bands or color blotches clearly in the preview window. Bands or blotches may be visible when the image is at 100%, but may be easier to see at smaller percentages.
For Remove bands, change the value one number at a time until any color bands or blotches are less visible (they may not disappear completely). Use the lowest value possible to avoid desaturation of small objects.
Click OK.
Note: After you have removed the Moiré pattern, you may be able to use the Sharpen commands to restore detail and remove blurriness without reintroducing the pattern. This approach works best when you choose a Fine Details setting in the Moiré Pattern Removal dialog that is slightly higher than needed to remove the pattern. For more information on the Sharpen commands, see Clarifying Images.
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