To edit a vector object such as a preset shape or vector text, you must first select the object with the Object Selection tool. You can select one or several objects, on the same layer or on different layers. You can also select vector objects from the Layer palette.
To select vector objects with the Object Selection tool:
On the Tools toolbar, choose
the Object Selection tool
Do one of the following:
Click the object you want to select. To select multiple objects, press Shift and click on each additional object.
Drag the cursor to create a rectangle around the object(s). The rectangle must enclose all objects completely to select them.
A bounding box with handles surrounds the objects you selected. For information on using these handles to edit the objects, see Resizing and Reshaping Vector Objects.
To select vector objects from the Layer palette:
On the Layer palette, click the plus sign (+) to next to a layer to expand the layer to display the objects within the layer.
Click the name of the object. To select multiple objects, press Shift and click each object name. A bounding box in the image surrounds the objects you selected.
Making Selections with the Freehand Tool
Making Selections with the Magic Wand Tool
Making Selections with the Selection Tool
Selecting All Non-Masked Areas