You can use Picture Tubes from previous versions of Paint Shop Pro that remain installed on your computer. To do so:
Choose the Picture
Tube tool from the Tools toolbar.
In the Tool Options palette,
click the Presets drop-list and
then click the File Locations
button along the right side. This displays the File Locations
Along the left side of the File Locations dialog, click the Picture Tubes item in the File Types list.
Along the right side of the dialog, click the Add button. This displays the Browse for Folder dialog.
Navigate to where the Picture Tubes (or Tubes) folder resides for the previous version of Paint Shop Pro, click that folder, and then click OK. This closes the Browse for Folder dialog and adds that folder path to the list of Picture Tube file folders.
Click OK to close the File Locations dialog.
Note: There may be some picture tube naming duplication, but the nonetheless the older versions tubes will be available.