Use the Auto Arrange command to automatically size and position images on the page of the Print Layout window. Paint Shop Pro divides the page into sections of equal size and places each image in a section. Only images on the page or in the workspace are used.
Before automatically arranging images, specify these preferences:
To include borders between
arranged images, choose Preferences > Options
to set the border width (the default is 0.5 inches or 1.27 centimeters).
Then choose Preferences > Use Borders
or click the Use Borders button . If you do not use borders, Paint Shop Pro may arrange images
with touching edges.
To have Paint Shop Pro enlarge
(stretch) images to fit their sections of the page layout, choose Preferences > Stretch to Fit or click
the Stretch to fit button . If you do not choose this option, when Paint Shop Pro automatically
arranges photos, it keeps them the same size or, if necessary, makes them
smaller to fit.
To automatically arrange images:
Drag each image that you want to arrange onto the page or the workspace.
Choose Preferences >
Auto Arrange, or click the Auto Arrange
button .
Printing Multiple Images on a Page
Printing Images Using a Template
Printing Images from the Browser
Printing with CMYK Color Separations