Saving and Applying Quickscripts

One of the powerful and convenient features of the History palette is that it allows you to selectively choose steps applied to an image and save those steps as a Quickscript. You can then apply the Quickscript to another image (or to the current image).

Be aware that there is only one Quickscript; each time you select History palette commands and click the Save Quickscript button, the previously saved Quickscript is written over.

Saving Commands as a Quickscript

To save one or more commands as a Quickscript:

  1. Click the desired commands listed in the History palette (click the command name, not its associated button). Note that as soon as one command is selected, the Save Quickscript button activates.

  2. Click the Save Quickscript button . The selected steps can now be applied to any image the next time you click the Run Quickscript button.

Note: Saving a group of selected commands as the Quickscript overwrites the previously saved Quickscript without warning.

Note: The Quickscript is saved to the file QuickScriptTemp.PspScript, and resides in the Scripts-Trusted folder.

Applying a Quickscript to Another Image

After saving commands as the Quickscript, open another image (or make another open image active) and then click the Run Quickscript button .

A Note About Scripting and Plug-ins

Be aware that if you've executed commands involving plug-ins, scripting these commands may not produce the intended results. In particular, plug-in commands will not execute in Silent mode and may not default to the parameters originally used.


Related Topics

Applying Selected Commands to Other Images

Saving Commands as PspScript Files

Undoing and Redoing History Palette Actions