Paint Shop Pro resources include such items as scripts, picture tubes, patterns, gradients, displacement maps, and workspaces. The full listing of resources displays along the left side of the File Locations dialog. Using a consistent method for managing these resources can make your workflow easier. This is where the Resource Manager dialog comes in.
Wherever you find a Presets control (such as in the Tool Options palette's
Presets drop list for any tool, or in the Presets drop list for a dialog),
or the visual resource drop-list for resources such as Picture Tubes,
Gradients, etc., you'll find the Resource
Manager button . Click this button to access the Resource
Manager dialog.
If necessary, from the Category drop-list choose the category where the resource resides.
Click the resource from the list.
Click the Delete button. You'll be prompted to verify that you wish to proceed.
Click Yes to delete the resource.
If necessary, from the Category drop-list choose the category where the resource resides.
Click the resource from the list.
Click the Rename button. The Rename Resource dialog appears.
Enter the new name for the resource and then click OK.
If necessary, from the Category drop-list choose the category where the resource resides.
Click the resource from the list.
Click the Copy button. The Save As dialog appears.
Note: At this point, you could also rename the file via the Save As dialog's File Name field.
Navigate to the folder where you want to move the resource, and then click Save.
Note: Be aware that if you copy a resource (without renaming it) to a folder currently being scanned via File Locations, you'll receive an error message about duplicate resources. The result will be that the resource will not be available from one of the two locations.
If necessary, from the Category drop-list choose the category where the resource resides.
Click the resource from the list.
Click the Move button. The Browse for Folder dialog appears.
Navigate to the folder where you want to move the resource, and then click OK.
Note: If you move the resource to a location not currently listed in the File Locations dialog, you won't see the resource in the visual resource drop-list, nor in the Resource Manager dialog. See Setting File Locations for more information.
Create your own categories that will appear for a given resource as follows:
Access the File Locations dialog using one of the following methods:
Choose File > Preferences > File Locations; or
From the Presets
area of a dialog, or Presets area of the Tool Options palette, or from
a resource's visual drop-list, click the File
Locations button .
In the File types list on the left side of the dialog, click the resource for which you wish to create a new category folder.
In the File folders list, click once on the folder under which the sub folder will reside.
In the Folder Options area of the File Locations dialog, make sure the Enable and Use sub folders check boxes are marked, and then click the Create Sub Folder button. This displays the Enter Name dialog.
Enter a name for the sub folder, and then click OK to close the Enter Name dialog.
(In the Save to field toward the bottom of the File Locations dialog, note that the category you created automatically becomes the folder where new resources of that type will be saved.) Click OK to close the File Locations dialog.
To have the new category appear in the Categories drop-list, you must first save a resource in the folder you just created, or use the Copy or Move buttons described above to place a resource file in the new folder.