Choosing Colors from the Jasc Color Picker

The Jasc Color Picker is the default color picker and displays when you click a Color or Material box on the Materials palette. You also choose from this color picker when you click a Color box in some Paint Shop Pro dialogs (such as the New Image dialog).

The Jasc Color Picker offers a variety of ways to select colors:


If the active image has a color depth less than 24-bit (16 million col­ors), you must select colors from a palette rather than the Jasc Color Picker.

To display the Jasc Color Picker:

On the Materials palette, do one of the following:

If you clicked a Material box, the Material dialog opens (here you can choose colors, gradients, patterns, and textures); click the Color tab to display the Jasc Color Picker.

If you clicked a Color box, the Color dialog opens and displays the Jasc Color Picker; here you can choose colors only.

To choose a color using the Color wheel:

  1. On the Color wheel, click the approximate color or drag the selection ring around the color wheel to select the color.
    The Color wheel represents the hue. Notice that the Hue edit box updates with a value between 0 and 255 as you go around the wheel.

  2. On the Saturation/Lightness box, click to choose a color variation or drag the selection ring. Move from left to right to increase the saturation. Move from top to bottom to increase the lightness.

To choose a color from the Basic Colors panel:

  1. Move the cursor over the Basic Colors panel. A ToolTip displays the color value.

  2. Click the color you want. Notice that the RGB and HSL values update with the current color values and the selection rings on the Color wheel and the Saturation/Lightness box move to the selected color.

To choose a color using its RGB or HSL value:

For each value you want to change, do one of the following:

Note: Mark the Link Colors check box to have the slider visually represent all settings of the color (red, green, and blue or hue, saturation, and lightness), not just the selected value (such as just the hue or just the red value).

To choose a color from the active image:

  1. Make sure the Jasc Color Picker is displayed.

  2. Move the cursor over the active image. The cursor turns into a dropper and a ToolTip displays the color values.

  3. Click the part of the image that has the color you want. The Jasc Color Picker updates with that color.

Note: You can also choose a color from an image using the Dropper tool or a special feature of Color or Material boxes.


Related Topics

Choosing Colors from an Image or the Desktop

Choosing Colors from the Image Palette

Specifying the HTML Code for Colors